I am using the Augeas tool for Puppet 3.2 and I am trying to create an XML file. I want to be able to add multiple fields with the same name into my XML doc. For instance, I want to separate node2/location2 from node1/location1 by placing it in its own "node" field. This is my code:
augeas { "update template":
lens => "Xml.lns",
require => File["${buildpath}/tempfile.xml"],
incl => "${buildpath}/tempfile.xml",
changes => [
"set member/acceptors[#attribute]/node[#attribute]/nodeIdentity[#attribute]/#text node2",
"set member/acceptors/node/nodeLocation[#attribute]/#text location2",
"set member/acceptors/node/nodeIdentity[#attribute]/#text node1",
"set member/acceptors/node/nodeLocation[#attribute]/#text location1"
This is the XML output that I get:
This is the output I want:
I have tried adding [#attribute] to the node1 line like the following:
"set member/acceptors/node[#attribute]/nodeIdentity[#attribute]/#text node1",
But "node1" doesn't get outputted. Any suggestions?