Crashlytics NDK symbols and Gradle tasks

2019-04-16 02:00发布


I have a question that mostly relates to gradle.

I'm using Crashlytics to report NDK crashes in my Android app. I have a task in build.gradle that calls ndk-build and compiles the cpp files into an .so file. At the end of this task I want to call a task that uploads generated symbols mapping to Crashlytics.

After installing the Fabric plugin in Android Studio, I saw there are some new tasks that were added to the Gradle tab. One of them is crashlyticsUploadSymbols[buildType][flavour] where buildType and flavour indicate which buildtype and flavour is currently selected.

This task does seem to upload a symbols file.

My question is, Is it possible to call this task from within build.gradle? Currently I use a manual call in Android Studio's terminal tab in the form of:

./gradlew crashlyticsUploadSymbols[buildType][flavour]

Is it possible to call this task somehow from within build.gradle?

To call this task I use finalizedBy at the end of the buildNdk task, so once buildNdk has finished, the upload task will execute.

Also very important, how can I get the current buildType and flavour so I am able to add it to the crashlyticsUploadSymbols call?

Thank you!


Mike from Crashlytics and Fabric here.

This was also answered on the Twitter Community forum's, but sharing the same answer here.

Option 1:

If you only want or need to upload symbols for your release builds, then you can set crashlticsUploadSymbolsRelease as the finalizedBy task for your ndk-build task.

Option 2: If you have multiple variant-based tasks, you can do something like:

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    def variantName =
    def task = project.task ("ndkBuild${variantName}")
    task.finalizedBy project.("crashlyticsUploadSymbols${variantName}")


The following did the job for me:

android {
    afterEvaluate {