I\'m trying to write code to read a binary file into a buffer, then write the buffer to another file. I have the following code, but the buffer only stores a couple of ASCII characters from the first line in the file and nothing else.
int length;
char * buffer;
ifstream is;
is.open (\"C:\\\\Final.gif\", ios::binary );
// get length of file:
is.seekg (0, ios::end);
length = is.tellg();
is.seekg (0, ios::beg);
// allocate memory:
buffer = new char [length];
// read data as a block:
is.read (buffer,length);
FILE *pFile;
pFile = fopen (\"C:\\\\myfile.gif\", \"w\");
fwrite (buffer , 1 , sizeof(buffer) , pFile );
If you want to do this the C++ way, do it like this:
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::ifstream input( \"C:\\\\Final.gif\", std::ios::binary );
std::ofstream output( \"C:\\\\myfile.gif\", std::ios::binary );
std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( ),
If you need that data in a buffer to modify it or something, do this:
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
#include <vector>
int main()
std::ifstream input( \"C:\\\\Final.gif\", std::ios::binary );
// copies all data into buffer
std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), {});
sizeof(buffer) == sizeof(char*)
Use length instead.
Also, better to use fopen
with \"wb
Here is a short example, the C++ way using rdbuf
. I got this from the web. I can\'t find my original source on this:
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main ()
std::ifstream f1 (\"C:\\\\me.txt\",std::fstream::binary);
std::ofstream f2 (\"C:\\\\me2.doc\",std::fstream::trunc|std::fstream::binary);
return 0;
sizeof(buffer) is the size of a pointer on your last line NOT the actual size of the buffer.
You need to use \"length\" that you already established instead
You should pass length into fwrite instead of sizeof(buffer).
There is a much simpler way. This does not care if it is binary or text file.
Use noskipws.
char buf[SZ];
ifstream f(\"file\");
int i;
for(i=0; f >> noskipws >> buffer[i]; i++);
ofstream f2(\"writeto\");
for(int j=0; j < i; j++) f2 << noskipws << buffer[j];
It can be done with simple commands in the following snippet.
Copies the whole file of any size. No size constraint!
Just use this. Tested And Working!!
using namespace std;
int main()
ifstream infile;
ofstream outfile;
int buffer[2];
while(infile.read((char *)&buffer,sizeof(buffer)))
outfile.write((char *)&buffer,sizeof(buffer));
return 0;
Having a smaller buffer size would be helpful in copying tiny files. Even \"char buffer[2]\"
would do the job.