Usb4java library, error while claiming an interfac

2019-04-15 11:52发布


Here I use the library usb4java to access to my usb device.

The problem is I have an error while I try to claim an interface of my usb device. The error is on this line:

int msg = LibUsb.claimInterface(deviceHandler, 1);

error: USB error 3: Unable to claim interface: Access denied (insufficient permissions)

Is there someone who know why I have this error or how fix it ?


I have the same issue you got, and my env is Mac OS X 10.9

After a long search with google, I finally found this just get the names of USB devices attached to a system? which helped me out, now my code works like charm。

solution is here,Cause mac will automatically claim devices, and we could create a dummy driver for it.

Here is step how to do it.

  1. create Info.plist in /System/Library/Extensions/Proxmark3.kext/Contents , And you should create parent folder if is missing, file content shuold be like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <!-- This is a dummy driver which binds to Proxmark. It -->
    <!-- contains no actual code; its only purpose is to     -->
    <!-- prevent Apple's USBHID driver from exclusively      -->
    <!-- opening the device.                                 -->
    <plist version="1.0">
            <!-- The Proxmark3 USB interface -->

note: {your-usb-hardware-product-id} and {your-usb-hardware-vendor-id} have to be your own hardware ids, which can be obtained from About this mac - System Report - Hardware - USB .

  1. Enter /System/Library/Extensions, and run as ROOT

sudo chown -R root:wheel Proxmark3.kext

sudo chmod -R 755 Proxmark3.kext

sudo kextcache -system-caches

  1. reboot your system and see the result.


For Linux system it sounds as if the user has no rights to access the USB devices.

This can be changed by adding a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d, for example with a name "50-usb-permissions.rules", and the content

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1234", ATTR{idProduct}=="5678",

while hex numbers 1234 are the vendorid and 5678 the productid of the attached USB device, which can be found by "lsusb -v". The sample rule allows the user group "users" access to the specified usb device. After a reboot the rule will be applied.

Depending in the Linux version the pathes may be different.


I got this error when adb server was running on MacOS. Restarting the computer released the interface so that I could claim it again. However, any time adb started, it would lock up the USB interface and a restart of the computer was required again.