How to compare the elements of NSArray in NSMutabl

2019-04-15 10:41发布


My NSMutableDictionary contains four NSArrays with their respective keys. These NSArrays are of size 2 and contain 2D coordinates. I want to get the most common coordinate among them. For example, If a coordinate is common to three arrays, it would be my first choice. How can I find that any coordinate is common to at least two arrays?


Basically you want to find the pair of coordinates that has max occurences. So you can create an array of all coordinates and find its mode.

    NSMutableArray *allCoordinates = [NSMutableArray new];
    [dictionary enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
    if ([key isEqualToString:@"arrayKey1"] || [key isEqualToString:@"arrayKey2"]) {
        NSArray *coordinates = (NSArray *)obj;
        [coordinates enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
            [allCoordinates addObject:coordinates];

Now, U need to write a custom method to find mode of an array of coordinates (with an additional condition of frequency being >=3).


This is a working example. I'm assuming that your dictionary looks like coordinatesDict.

NSDictionary *coordinatesDict = @{@"first": @[@11.58, @40.20], @"second": @[@12.12, @100.12], @"third": @[@11.58, @40.20], @"fourth": @[@13.2, @14.5]};

NSCountedSet *coordinates = [NSCountedSet setWithArray:[coordinatesDict allValues]];

for (NSArray *coordinateArray in coordinates) {

    NSUInteger coordinateCount = [coordinates countForObject:coordinateArray];
    NSLog(@"Array %@ is included %lu times", coordinateArray, (unsigned long)coordinateCount);

    if (coordinateCount >= 2) {
        // You found your best coordinate


Here is some code that should work, using NSCountedSet.
In a few words: I use a NSCountedSet that will work as a NSSet keeping also the numbers of occurrences (duplicates times).
Then, I create a NSArray sorting the values descending according to the number of occurrences.
I wrote explicitly the "count1/count2" comparison in case you want to apply a different value if the number of occurrences is the same.

NSDictionary *allData = @{@"Key1: %@":@[@(0.0), @(0.1)],
                          @"Key2: %@":@[@(0.1), @(0.1)],
                          @"Key3: %@":@[@(0.2), @(0.1)],
                          @"Key4: %@":@[@(0.1), @(0.1)]};

NSCountedSet *countedSet = [[NSCountedSet alloc] initWithArray:[allData allValues]];

for (NSArray *array in countedSet)
    NSLog(@"For %@ counted %@ time(s)", array, @([countedSet countForObject:array]));

NSArray *sortedCountedSetArray = [[countedSet allObjects] sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2)
    NSUInteger count1 = [countedSet countForObject:obj1];
    NSUInteger count2 = [countedSet countForObject:obj2];
    if (count1 < count2)
        return NSOrderedDescending;
    if (count1 > count2)
        return NSOrderedAscending;
        return NSOrderedSame; //May want to do additionaly thing (for example if coordinate is closer to actual position, etc.)
NSLog(@"sortedCountedSetArray: %@", sortedCountedSetArray);

NSArray *bestOption = [sortedCountedSetArray firstObject]; //Coordinates the most "popular"
NSLog(@"BestOption: %@", bestOption);

The outputs are:

> For (
) counted 2 time(s)
> For (
) counted 1 time(s)
> For (
) counted 1 time(s)
> sortedCountedSetArray: (
> BestOption: (