is it possible to read video stream with opencv?

2019-04-15 07:33发布


for this stream:

is there a class that can capture the stream for manipulation?

all i found was tutorials about how to make client server, or read from computer connected cam.

Update: it looks promising. trying to open this again failed , so i followed the asx which said:

<asx version="3.0">
    <!-- GMEmbed -->
    <title>CastUP: Ayalon</title>
    <entryref href="" />

so tried this which also didn't open(on cap.isOpen == false), too.

any suggestions?

the source:

Mat frame;
VideoCapture Ayalon("");
int delay = 1000/Ayalon.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS);// (1 second / fps) = delay between frames
bool stop(false);               
if (!Ayalon.isOpened()) 
    return 1;                   
namedWindow("ayalon Stream");
while (!stop) {
    if (!
    imshow("ayalon Stream",frame);
    if (waitKey(delay) >0 )
        stop = true;
return 1;


Yes and the nice feature is that the code is exactly the same as reading from a camera - see Reading and Writing Images and Video