android, unity, onesignal — where to place the sou

2019-04-15 06:36发布


Saying that I'm new to android development would be an understatement. I'm trying to figure out where to place a sound file in my unity directory such that onesignal, a third party notification server, can access it for this a particular api method:

android_sound: StringOptional Sound file that is included in your app to play instead of the default device notification sound. NOTE: Leave off file extension for Android. Example: "notification"


I get a build error when I place it in res/raw, and anywhere else in the google play services library

Where does it go?


You will need to place the OneSignalNotificationRes folder from our Unity Example Project into your Assets/Plugins/Android/ folder. Replace the example icons and sound files with your own.

More details found on the bottom of the 3. Android section in our Unity setup guide.



İn Android,

Just move your .mp3 file to

res/raw folder

So your .mp3 file should be shown as src/raw/onesignal_default_sound.mp3

Then build your code and send push.

Also you can user another file names but you have to add Sound File Name while sending push

Enjoy it ^^