How to run JavaFX jar with JRE7 on MAC OS Lion 10.

2019-04-15 05:53发布


I have created a bundled JavaFX application jar with ANT on Windows 8 O.S. , 64 bit machine. I have JavaFx2.0 and Java 1.7.0_09 installed on my Window O.S.

<target name="CreatingJars" depends="Compiling" description="generate the distribution" >
                <taskdef resource="com/sun/javafx/tools/ant/antlib.xml"      
                        uri="" classpath="${env.JAVA_HOME}/lib/ant-javafx.jar"/>

                        <mkdir dir="${WorkingFolder}/temp/libs"/>
                    <copy todir="${WorkingFolder}/temp/libs">
                    <fileset file="${WorkingFolder}/CustomJars/ProjectLib.jar">
                    <copy todir="${WorkingFolder}/temp/libs">
                    <fileset dir="${WorkingFolder}/libs">

                <fx:jar destfile="${WorkingFolder}/${}.jar">
                <fx:application mainClass="${main.class}"/>
                    <fx:fileset dir="${WorkingFolder}/temp/"/>

                <fileset dir="${WorkingFolder}/build"/>
                <fileset dir="${WorkingFolder}/resources"/>

When I am trying to run that JavaFX application jar on MAC OS Lion 10.7.5 using

java -jar application.jar

It always shows a dialog "The application require a newer version of Java Run-time" with download link. Even I have downloaded and successfully installed it on my MAC machine but it still shows me the same window.

java -version is always point to 1.6.

Then I searched for Java Preferences to point the current JRE 1.7 but I could find Java Preferences at Applications -> Utilities -> Java -> Java Preferences.

I would like to know -- how to run JavaFX jar with JRE7 on MAC OS Lion 10.7.5? Is their any other way to run the JavaFX application JAR with JRE7?


See related forum post.

To run the app for the latest installed Oracle jre version:

/Library/Internet\ Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar application.jar

To run the app for a given installed jdk version:

export JAVA_HOME=`/usr/libexec/java_home -v 1.7`
java -jar application.jar