I'm working on a few functions to get data from StatBank Denmark, and their API. They have made a console to test JSON calls and I know the basic_request I parse to JSON in the function dst_get_data works, as I have tested it in the console.
I get a "status 400" error and an error message that says that I should "supply object when posting".
The code below should make reproducible example. It is the third function (dst_get_data) where I am stuck.
dst_meta <- function(table, ..., lang = "en"){
dkstat_url <- "http://api.statbank.dk/v1/tableinfo"
params <- list("lang" = lang,
"table" = table,
"format" = "JSON")
meta <- POST(url=dkstat_url, body=params, multipart=FALSE)
meta <- jsonlite::fromJSON(txt=content(meta, as="text"),simplifyDataFrame=TRUE)
#meta <- RJSONIO::fromJSON(content=content(meta),asText=TRUE, simplify=TRUE, simplifyWithNames=TRUE)
dst_meta_parse <- function(meta, lang){
basics_names <- c("id", "text", "description",
"unit", "updated", "footnote")
basics <- meta[names(meta) %in% basics_names]
variables <- meta[["variables"]][,c("id", "text")]
values <- meta[["variables"]][,"values"]
names(values) <- variables$id
if(lang == "en"){
test <- grepl(pattern="Tid", names(values))
if(sum(test) > 0){
values$Tid$id <- sub(pattern="Q", replacement="K", x=values$Tid$id)
## Create basic_request for the data_post file
basic_request <- vector(mode="list", length=length(variables$id))
for(variable in 1:length(variables$id)){
var_name <- variables$id[variable]
if(var_name == "Tid"){
basic_request[[variable]] <- list("code" = var_name,
"values" = as.character(values[[var_name]]$id[length(values[[var_name]]$id)]))
} else {
basic_request[[variable]] <- list("code" = var_name,
"values" = as.character(values[[var_name]]$id[1]))
return(list("basics" = basics, "variables" = variables, "values" = values, "basic_request" = basic_request))
dst_get_data <- function(request, table,..., lang = "en", format = "CSV", value_presentation = "Default"){
dst_url <- "http://api.statbank.dk/v1/data"
final_request <- list("table" = table,
"lang" = lang,
"format" = format,
"valuePresentation" = value_presentation,
"variables" = request)
final_request <- jsonlite::toJSON(x=final_request, .escapeEscapes=TRUE, asIs=TRUE)
data <- POST(url=dst_url, body=final_request, multipart=FALSE)
test <- dst_meta(table="folk1")
test2 <- dst_meta_parse(meta = test, lang = "en")
test3 <- dst_get_data(request = test2$basic_request, table = "folk1", format="JSON")
#test3 <- dst_get_data(request = test2$basic_request, table = "folk1", format="JSON")