I am trying to save an uploaded image from an iPhone to a server using PHP. I am using ASIHTTPRequest to handle the data request. This is my iPhone code:
[request setPostValue:someString forKey:@"string1"];
[request setPostValue:anotherString forKey:@"string2"];
[request addData:[NSData dataWithData:UIImageJPEGRepresentation(anImage, 0.9)]
withFileName:@"img.jpg" andContentType:@"image/jpeg" forKey:@"img"];
[request startSynchronous];
On the server side, I am using this PHP code currently to try saving the image to a folder on my server:
$folder = 'upload/';
$image_path = basename($_FILES['img']['name']);
echo $folder . $image_path . "\n";
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['img']['tmp_name'], $folder . $image_path)) {
echo 'ok!';
else {
echo 'fail !';
The strings are uploaded just fine and when I print_r()
i see the contents of the image array as I expect, but for some reason when trying to save the image, i am getting "fail !" printed to the console. What is wrong here?