An existing system generated signatures using Bouncy Castle (.NET) and I need to verify these existing signatures using the Microsoft ECDsaCng class.
Consider the following code that attempts to do this:
public static void InterchangeTest()
//AsymmetricCipherKeyPair bKeyPair_0 = Crypto.GenerateEcdsaKey();
String sPassPhrase = "bob is your uncle";
byte[] bPassPhrase = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(sPassPhrase);
int SaltBitSize = 128;
int EcdsaBitLength = 521;
byte[] bSalt = new byte[SaltBitSize / 8];
new SecureRandom().NextBytes(bSalt);
if (EcdsaBitLength != 192 && EcdsaBitLength != 256 && EcdsaBitLength != 521)
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid EcdsaBitLength length () " + EcdsaBitLength + " ECDSA supports 192, 256, and 521 bit lengths.");
string curveName = "P-" + EcdsaBitLength.ToString();
X9ECParameters ecP = NistNamedCurves.GetByName(curveName);
ECDomainParameters ecSpec = new ECDomainParameters(ecP.Curve, ecP.G, ecP.N, ecP.H, ecP.GetSeed());
IAsymmetricCipherKeyPairGenerator g = GeneratorUtilities.GetKeyPairGenerator("ECDH");
g.Init(new ECKeyGenerationParameters(ecSpec, new SecureRandom()));
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair aKeyPair = g.GenerateKeyPair();
ECPrivateKeyParameters mPrivateKey = (ECPrivateKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Private;
ECPublicKeyParameters mPublicKey = (ECPublicKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Public;
byte[] bPrivateKey = ((ECPrivateKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Private).D.ToByteArray();
String SignerName = "SHA-256withECDSA";
ISigner bSigner = SignerUtilities.GetSigner(SignerName);
bSigner.Init(true, aKeyPair.Private);
bSigner.BlockUpdate(bPassPhrase, 0, bPassPhrase.Length);
byte[] bouncySignature = bSigner.GenerateSignature();
ISigner bVerifier = SignerUtilities.GetSigner(SignerName);
bVerifier.Init(false, aKeyPair.Public);
bVerifier.BlockUpdate(bPassPhrase, 0, bPassPhrase.Length);
bool passed = bVerifier.VerifySignature(bouncySignature);
Console.WriteLine("Verified with Bouncy: " + passed);
var xmlImport = "<ECDSAKeyValue xmlns=''>\n"
+ " <DomainParameters>\n"
+ " <NamedCurve URN='urn:oid:' />\n"
+ " </DomainParameters >\n"
+ " <PublicKey >\n"
+ " <X Value='" + ((ECPublicKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Public).Q.X.ToBigInteger().ToString() + "' xsi:type='PrimeFieldElemType' xmlns:xsi='' />\n"
+ " <Y Value='" + ((ECPublicKeyParameters)aKeyPair.Public).Q.Y.ToBigInteger().ToString() + "' xsi:type='PrimeFieldElemType' xmlns:xsi='' />\n"
+ " </PublicKey >\n"
+ " </ECDSAKeyValue>";
//using (StreamWriter outputFile = new StreamWriter(@"C:\Dev\x2.txt"))
// outputFile.WriteLine(xmlImport);
ECDsaCng eccImporter = new ECDsaCng();
eccImporter.FromXmlString(xmlImport, ECKeyXmlFormat.Rfc4050);
Console.WriteLine("hash algorithm = " + eccImporter.HashAlgorithm + " Probably " + CngAlgorithm.Sha256);
Console.WriteLine("Signature algorithm = " + eccImporter.SignatureAlgorithm + " Probably ECDsa");
Console.WriteLine("After import, key size = " + eccImporter.KeySize + " probably 521");
if (eccImporter.VerifyData(bPassPhrase, bouncySignature))
Console.WriteLine("Verified the signature from bouncy castle using .NET");
catch (CryptographicException e)
// "The parameter is incorrect"
Console.WriteLine("Did not verify bouncy signature with .NET because: " + e.Message);
CngKey msKey = CngKey.Create(CngAlgorithm.ECDsaP521, null, new CngKeyCreationParameters { ExportPolicy = CngExportPolicies.AllowPlaintextArchiving });
ECDsaCng ms_ecdsaCNG = new ECDsaCng(msKey);
String xmlExport = ms_ecdsaCNG.ToXmlString(ECKeyXmlFormat.Rfc4050);
eccImporter = new ECDsaCng();
eccImporter.FromXmlString(xmlExport, ECKeyXmlFormat.Rfc4050);
byte[] ms_SignedData = ms_ecdsaCNG.SignData(bPassPhrase);
Console.WriteLine("Verify .NET signature with .NET: " + ms_ecdsaCNG.VerifyData(bPassPhrase, ms_SignedData));
Console.WriteLine("Verify .NET signature with imported .NET: " + eccImporter.VerifyData(bPassPhrase, ms_SignedData));
Everything works fine until I attempt to verify the signature in with the Microsoft classes, at which point it generates an exception stating that the Parameter is incorrect.
any thoughts?