Is it possible to create a JavaScript function that can convert a string to title case but one that works with non-ASCII (Unicode) characters? For example with characters like:
Áá Àà Ăă Ắắ Ằằ Ẵẵ Ẳẳ Ââ Ấấ Ầầ Ẫẫ Ẩẩ Ǎǎ Åå Ǻǻ Ää Ǟǟ Ãã
Éé Èè Ĕĕ Êê Ếế Ềề Ễễ Ểể Ěě Ëë Ẽẽ Ėė Ȩȩ Ḝḝ Ęę Ēē Ḗḗ Ḕḕ
For example if the string is "anders ångström", it should transform it into "Anders Ångström". The script that already exists it will transform into "Anders åNgström".