I have the following command which will allow me to post a message on the logged in users facebook wall:
$facebook->api("/$uid/feed", "POST", array('message' => 'Hello! I\'m using the FB Graph API!'));
i.e. using the url https://graph.facebook.com/<user id goes here>/feed
But what command do I need to enter to get a list of the logged in users friends?
The url I need to use is https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends
, but I am not sure how to edit the below command to get the friends list:
$facebook->api("/$uid/feed", "POST", array('message' => 'Hello! I\'m using the FB Graph API!'));
am I supposed to do something like this (which is a complete guess)
$facebook->api("/$uid/friends", "GET", array('access_token' => 'token value goes here'));
Or am I supposed to do something else to get the friends list?