I'm using ant condition task to check a file existence and directory existence and below is my code
<project name="makeitmutable" basedir="." default="main">
<target name="main">
<condition property="folderexists?" value="Yeah" else="Nope">
<available file="folderexistance" type="dir"/>
<available file="a.zip" type="file"/>
<echo>before deleting "folderexistance" folder property folderexists?=${folderexists?}</echo>
<delete dir="folderexistance"/>
<!--after delete-->
<condition property="folderexists?" value="Yeah" else="Nope">
<available file="folderexistance" type="dir"/>
<available file="a.zip" type="file"/>
<!--how to make below line to print Nope ?-->
<echo>After deleting "folderexistance" folder property folderexists?=${folderexists?}</echo>
My output value of the property folderexists? remains same even after deleting the directory,i.e.., Nope two times
I knew that ant properties are immutable once set cannot be changed,and also an alternative to this solution is we can use
task and call the main target.
Is there a way to make the property mutable within that target as in the above scenario,I'm looking for other possibilities to resolve this, what's the better programming practice for this type of problem.