Get nested elements on XML (with Lambda) and set t

2019-04-14 15:38发布


I have an XML with a List nested and I need all properties inside my class object.


public class Process
    public Process()
        Progresses = new List<Progress>();

    public string Code{ get; set; }
    public List<Progress> Progresses { get; set; }
public class Progress
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public string ProgressDate { get; set; }


            <Text>Lorem lalal asdf</Text>
            <Text>Lorem lal</Text>
            <Text>Lorem aqwq</Text>
            <Text>Lorem qw</Text>
            <Text>Lorem lalal asdf</Text>
            <Text>Lorem lal</Text>
            <Text>Lorem aqwq</Text>
            <Text>Lorem qw</Text>

Until now I have this Linq:

var _procs =
    from proc in xml.Root.Elements("Process")
    select new Process()
        Code = (string)proc.Element("Number"),
        Progresses = proc.Elements("Progress")
                           .Select(c => new Progress
                              Text = (string)c.Element("Text"),
                              ProgressDate = (string)c.Element("Date")

But with this I have one register to each Progress tag, instead a List of Progresses! My biggest question are, who can I read the XML and set as the Class PROCESS, I need all the PROGRESS tags inside the List on my PROCESS object.

UPDATE: With this Linq, I getting just the first element of Progress nested nodes. How can I do that (better if using Lambda)? Thanks a lot!!!


As i mentioned in the comment to the question Progress class have to be declared as public.

Another issue is: Num is not a member of Progress class!


var query = xdoc.Descendants("Process")
.Select(x=> new Process
        Code = x.Element("Number").Value,
        Progresses = x.Descendants("Progress")
            .SelectMany((ele, j)=>  ele.Elements("Date").Select((a, i)=>new{Date = a.Value, Index = i+(j*10)}))
            .Join(x.Descendants("Progress").SelectMany((ele, j)=> ele.Elements("Text").Select((a, i)=>new{Text = a.Value, Index = i+(j*10)})),
                    dat => dat.Index,
                    tex => tex.Index,
                    (dat, tex) => new {D = dat, T = tex})
            .Select(jdata=> new Progress
                    //Index = jdata.D.Index,
                    ProgressDate = jdata.D.Date,
                    Text = jdata.T.Text

Above query returns IEnumerable<Process> with the list of Progresses.

Code                Progresses
8754639647985       Lorem lalal asdf    09/11/2013
                    Lorem lal           10/11/2015
                    Lorem aqwq          09/12/2016
                    Lorem qw            10/11/2017
1121321321321321    Lorem lalal asdf    09/11/2013
                    Lorem lal           10/11/2015
                    Lorem aqwq          09/12/2016
                    Lorem qw            10/11/2017

标签: c# xml linq lambda