I'm trying to make Cloudflare's Rocket Loader work on my WP site. Everything works fine except for the WP Visual Editor. I followed the advice here but it doesn't work:
How do I add custom attributes to javascript tags in Wordpress?
Cloudflare says that in order to make Rocket Loader ignore a javascript file I need to add the data-cfasync="false" tag before my script:
<script data-cfasync="false" src="/javascript.js"></script>
Rocket loader doesn't ignore my JS files.
Here's my code:
function rocket_loader_attributes( $url )
$ignore = array (
if ( in_array( $url, $ignore ) )
{ // this will be ignored
return "$url' data-cfasync='false";
return $url;
add_filter( 'clean_url', 'rocket_loader_attributes', 11, 1 );
What is wrong with my code?
I'm currently using Rocket Loader on Automatic mode.
Can anyone help?
Maybe you can point me in the right direction.
Thank you.
I have found the solution for this!
As it's written in this article:
Controlling Cloudflare Rocket Loader
Your script was almost right, but the manual mode is broken. You need to switch to automatic mode, and then make some modifications:
function rocket_loader_attributes_start() {
function rocket_loader_attributes_end() {
$script_out = ob_get_clean();
$script_out = str_replace(
"type='text/javascript' src='{rocket-ignore}",
'data-cfasync="false"'." src='",
print $script_out;
function rocket_loader_attributes_mark($url) {
// Set up which scripts/strings to ignore
$ignore = array (
//matches only the script file name
preg_match('/(.*)\?/', $url, $_url);
if (isset($_url[1]) && substr($_url[1], -3)=='.js') {
foreach($ignore as $s) {
if (strpos($_url[1], $s)!==false)
return "{rocket-ignore}$url";
return "$url' data-cfasync='true";
return "$url";
if (!is_admin()) {
add_filter( 'clean_url', 'rocket_loader_attributes_mark', 11, 1);
add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'rocket_loader_attributes_start');
add_action( 'print_head_scripts', 'rocket_loader_attributes_end');
Notice in the example that the tag does not have the type='text/javascript'
attribute. For some reason Rocket Loader requires data-cfasync='false'
to be used without the type='text/javascript'
... a bug?
Your code does add the data-cfasync='false'
attribute, but does not override the WordPress behaviour of adding the type='text/javascript'
attribute also, which makes Rocket Loader not to "ignore" your script.
It might be tricky to override this WordPress behaviour since the relevant code does not support a filter...