I got a game using Redis, Socket.io, theres 2 nodejs servers running diff socket.io clients. I am communicating with both socket.io clients through the redis store, that way I can emit to all sockets whenever I want. And it works.
io.sockets.emit('successful_connection', { success : true }); return;
My problem is, when ie calling a specific socket by id, it fails.
io.sockets.socket(socketId).emit('successful_connection', { success : true }); return;
I have no idea why, it works in all other browsers. Heres the code for socket.io/redis store config
var RedisStore = require('socket.io').RedisStore,
opts = {host: **.***.**.**, port: ****};
io.set('store', new RedisStore({redisPub:opts, redisSub:opts, redisClient:opts}));
Any advice would be helpful, right now my main thought is "why have nodejs/socket.io servers." Is there really a benefit if i have to deal with this. Thanks