I've got a wordpress blog theme which shows the content of all posts on the index fine but when I click into one of the posts the content of the post is blank and I can't seem to figure out why. If I'm correct the single.php
controls that page.
http://pastebin.com/afLVxMPb = My single.php
an example of what I mean would be http://www.ndesign-studio.com/demo/wordpress/blog/how-about-a-blog-post-with-longer-title but on this site the content of the blog post does show up but on mine it doesn't.
I think the problem is somewhere here...
<div class="entry-content">
<?php the_content(); ?>
<?php wp_link_pages('before=<div class="page-link">' . __( 'Pages:', 'your-theme' ) . '&after=</div>') ?>
</div><!-- .entry-content -->