I use this method to bind a Line to the center of two ScatterViewItems:
private void BindLineToScatterViewItems(Shape line, ScatterViewItem origin, ScatterViewItem destination)
// Bind line.(X1,Y1) to origin.ActualCenter
BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, Line.X1Property, new Binding { Source = origin, Path = new PropertyPath("ActualCenter.X") });
BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, Line.Y1Property, new Binding { Source = origin, Path = new PropertyPath("ActualCenter.Y") });
// Bind line.(X2,Y2) to destination.ActualCenter
BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, Line.X2Property, new Binding { Source = destination, Path = new PropertyPath("ActualCenter.X") });
BindingOperations.SetBinding(line, Line.Y2Property, new Binding { Source = destination, Path = new PropertyPath("ActualCenter.Y") });
But now I'd like to bind it from the bottom from one ScatterViewItem to the top of the another ScatterViewItem:
How can I achieve that?