New to Jasmine tests for angular. I am trying to test if the controller I defined is defined or not to begin with but I am getting error saying Expected undefined to be defined.
Here is my main code:
// controller logic MatchController.js
(function () {
'use strict';
.controller('MatchController', MatchController);
MatchController.$inject = ['APP_CONFIG', '$authUser', '$http', '$rootScope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'SearchService', 'ConfirmMatchService', 'MusicOpsService', 'ContentOpsService', 'MatchstickService', 'MatchService', 'Restangular'];
function MatchController(APP_CONFIG, $authUser, $http, $rootScope, $state, $stateParams, searchService, confirmMatchService, musicOpsService, contentOpsService, matchstickService, matchService, Restangular) {
var vm = this;
Here is the test file
// MatchController.spec.js
'use strict';
describe('Match Controller Tests', function(){
var module, MatchTestController;
beforeEach(function() {
module = angular.module('app.match');
beforeEach(inject(function ($controller) {
MatchTestController = $controller('MatchController', {});
describe("Match controller to be defined", function() {
it("should be created successfully", function () {
I keep getting the error:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'angular.controller('MatchController')')
at /Users/rgoti/match-ui/match-ui/public/src/app/match/match.controller.spec.js:16
at invoke (/Users/rgoti/match-ui/match-ui/public/bower_components/angular/angular.js:4219)
at workFn (/Users/rgoti/match-ui/match-ui/public/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:2475)
Expected undefined to be defined.
at /Users/rgoti/match-ui/match-ui/public/src/app/match/match.controller.spec.js:22
Not sure what I am doing wrong here.