I am looking into ORMLite from ServiceStack and what I am trying to do here is that call a stored procedure which in turn return many many rows which definitely would not be bound to any domain object but also may or may not have a dto object to map with. I was wondering if I can bind it to a type. However, it sounds like ORMLite does not support dynamic type binding at this time. Does ORMLite support at this point?
By design OrmLite does not support marshalling to dynamic types, and expects resultsets to mapped to Typed POCO's.
Although it does have specialized API's to access Dynamic Result Sets using C# 7 Tuples:
var query = db.From<Employee>()
.OrderBy(e => e.Id)
.Select<Employee, Department>(
(e, d) => new { e.Id, e.LastName, d.Name });
var results = db.Select<(int id, string lastName, string deptName)>(query);
var row = results[i];
$"row: ${row.id}, ${row.lastName}, ${row.deptName}".Print();
Or List<object>
.Select("COUNT(*), MIN(Id), MAX(Id)"))[0].PrintDump();
/* Output */
Or using Dictionary<string,object>
, e.g:
.Select("COUNT(*) Total, MIN(Id) MinId, MAX(Id) MaxId"))[0].PrintDump();
/* Output */
Total: 10,
MinId: 1,
MaxId: 10
As well as being able to map into loose-typed .NET collections:
Dictionary<int, string> trackIdNamesMap = db.Dictionary<int, string>(
"select Id, Name from Track")
Dictionary<int, List<string>> albumTrackNames = db.Lookup<int, string>(
"select AlbumId, Name from Track")
List<string> trackNames = db.Column<string>("select Name from Track")
HashSet<string> uniqueTrackNames = db.ColumnDistinct<string>("select Name from Track")
Using Dapper's Query
OrmLite does have an embedded version of Dapper which does support dynamic results:
using ServiceStack.OrmLite.Dapper;
using (var db = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=... etc."))
var p = new DynamicParameters();
p.Add("@params", "Id=21");
IEnumerable<dynamic> dynamicResults = db.Query(sql:"GetPivotData", param: p,