set option “selected” attribute from dynamic creat

2019-01-08 06:42发布


I have a dynamically created select option using a javascript function. the select object is

<select name="country" id="country">

when the js function is executed, the "country" object is

<select name="country" id="country">
    <option value="AF">Afghanistan</option>
    <option value="AL">Albania</option>
    <option value="ID">Indonesia</option>
    <option value="ZW">Zimbabwe</option>

and displaying "Indonesia" as default selected option. note : there is no selected="selected" attribute in that option.

then I need to set selected="selected" attribute to "Indonesia", and I use this

var country = document.getElementById("country");
country.options[country.options.selectedIndex].setAttribute("selected", "selected");

using firebug, I can see the "Indonesia" option is like this

<option value="ID" selected="selected">Indonesia</option>

but it fails in IE (tested in IE 8).

and then I have tried using jQuery

$( function() {
    $("#country option:selected").attr("selected", "selected");

it fails both in FFX and IE.

I need the "Indonesia" option to have selected="selected" attribute so when I click reset button, it will select "Indonesia" again.

changing the js function to dynamically create "country" options is not an option. the solution must work both in FFX and IE.

thank you


Good question. You will need to modify the HTML itself rather than rely on DOM properties.

var opt = $("option[val=ID]"),
    html = $("<div>").append(opt.clone()).html();
html = html.replace(/\>/, ' selected="selected">');

The code grabs the option element for Indonesia, clones it and puts it into a new div (not in the document) to retrieve the full HTML string: <option value="ID">Indonesia</option>.

It then does a string replace to add the attribute selected="selected" as a string, before replacing the original option with this new one.

I tested it on IE7. See it with the reset button working properly here:


You're overthinking it:

var country = document.getElementById("country");
country.options[country.options.selectedIndex].selected = true;


Instead of modify the HTML itself you should just set the value you want an select element:

$(function() {


// get the OPTION we want selected
var $option = $('#SelectList').children('option[value="'+ id +'"]');
// and now set the option we want selected
$option.attr('selected', true);​​


So many wrong answers!

To specify the value that a form field should revert to upon resetting the form, use the following properties:

  • Checkbox or radio button: defaultChecked
  • Any other <input> control: defaultValue
  • Option in a drop down list: defaultSelected

So, to specify the currently selected option as the default:

var country = document.getElementById("country");
country.options[country.selectedIndex].defaultSelected = true;

It may be a good idea to set the defaultSelected value for every option, in case one had previously been set:

var country = document.getElementById("country");
for (var i = 0; i < country.options.length; i++) {
    country.options[i].defaultSelected = i == country.selectedIndex;

Now, when the form is reset, the selected option will be the one you specified.


What you want to do is set the selectedIndex attribute of the select box.

country.options.selectedIndex = index_of_indonesia;

Changing the 'selected' attribute will generally not work in IE. If you really want the behavior you're describing, I suggest you write a custom javascript reset function to reset all the other values in the form to their default.


This works in FF, IE9

var x = document.getElementById("country").children[2];
x.setAttribute("selected", "selected");


// Get <select> object
var sel = $('country');

// Loop through and look for value match, then break
for(i=0;i<sel.length;i++) { if(sel.value=="ID") { break; } }

// Select index 
sel.options.selectedIndex = i;

Begitu loh.


You could search all the option values until it finds the correct one.

var defaultVal = "Country";
$("#select").find("option").each(function () {

    if ($(this).val() == defaultVal) {

        $(this).prop("selected", "selected");


This should work.

$("#country [value='ID']").attr("selected","selected");

If you have function calls bound to the element just follow it with something like



Realize this is an old question, but with the newer version of JQuery you can now do the following:


This accomplishes the same thing as Box9's selected answer in one line.


select = document.getElementById('selectId');
var opt = document.createElement('option');
    opt.value = 'value';
    opt.innerHTML = 'name';
    opt.selected = true;


To set the input option at run time try setting the 'checked' value. (even if it isn't a checkbox)


Where elem is a reference to the option to be selected.

So for the above issue:

var country = document.getElementById("country");

This works for me, even when the options are not wrapped in a .

If all of the tags share the same name, they should uncheck when the new one is checked.


I was trying something like this using the $(...).val() function, but the function did not exist. It turns out that you can manually set the value the same way you do it for an <input>:

// Set value to Indonesia ("ID"):
$('#country').value = 'ID'

...and it get's automatically updated in the select. Works on Firefox at least; you might want to try it out in the others.


The ideas on this page were helpful, yet as ever my scenario was different. So, in modal bootstrap / express node js / aws beanstalk, this worked for me:

var modal = $(this);
modal.find(".modal-body select#cJourney").val(vcJourney).attr("selected","selected");

Where my select ID = "cJourney" and the drop down value was stored in variable: vcJourney