I have a matrix with 129539 rows and 530 columns. The first column correspond to ClientIDs and the first row to product brands. Inside I have a ranking index that each ClientID has for every product brand (0 if the ClientID never bought the product, all the way up to 10 otherwise).
I am building a User Based Collaborative Filtering Recommender System in R, using the first 5000 rows for training, and it gives me an output that doesn't make sense to me.
The code I have to generate it is the following:
# Loading to pre-computed affinity data
affinity.data <-read.csv("mydirectory")
affinity.matrix <- as(affinity.data,"realRatingMatrix")
# Creation of the model - U(ser) B(ased) C(ollaborative) F(iltering)
Rec.model <- Recommender(Rank_dataframe[1:5000,],method="UBCF", param=list(normalize = "Z-score",method="Cosine",nn=5, minRating=0))
# recommended top 5 items for user 1507323
recommended.items.1507323 <- predict(Rec.model, affinity.matrix["1507323",], n=5)
# to display them
as(recommended.items.1507323, "list")
The output I'm getting is a list of values such as:
[1] "0.0061652281134402" "0.00661813368630046" "0.0119331742243437" "0.0136147038801906"
[5] "0.0138312586445367"
I was expecting the names of the brands that I am trying to recommend, not a list of numbers. PS: my original matrix has values from 0 to 10 (decimals included, not only integers)
Thank you very much for any help or clarification you may have.