I have written a server that listens on a specific port for incoming tcp connections. To manage the network connectivity I am using Streams (CFStream/NSStream). When a connection is esthablished I save all the information about this very connection in another instance of a dedicated class which is also set as the delegate for the streams.
Now I want to get the public IP of the device that sends me a message through the already esthablished streams, in other words, I would like to store the IP of the stream's peer. I tried many things, but unfortunately I only get null-values.
Is there a possibility to get the peer's address (ip and port) from an existing stream of the described form?
Here is some code I have tried:
CFDataRef peerAddress = CFSocketCopyPeerAddress(_sockRef);
// _sockRef is saved when connection is established in listening callback and is not null
I also tried to get the information direct in the listening callback method:
NSData *peer = nil;
CFSocketNativeHandle nativeSocketHandle = *(CFSocketNativeHandle *)data;
struct sockaddr *addressinfo = NULL;
uint8_t name[SOCK_MAXADDRLEN];
socklen_t namelen = sizeof(addressinfo);
int result = getpeername(nativeSocketHandle, addressinfo, &namelen);
if (result == 0) {
peer = [NSData dataWithBytes:name length:namelen];
struct sockaddr_in *s = (struct sockaddr_in*)name;
char *ipstr = malloc(INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
ipstr = inet_ntoa(s->sin_addr); // is :-(
And I tried another method:
_publicIP = CFWriteStreamCopyProperty((__bridge CFWriteStreamRef)(_writeStream), kCFStreamPropertySocketRemoteHostName);
Why do I always get null-values? Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance!