I have an restful api and angularjs app. I am using $resource inside a factory to work with this api. I have a problem with one request. I POST my api to create some elements.
I need to pass in my request some data. Here is what I am doing:
$scope.someRequest = new SomeRequest(); // factory object returning an $resource
$scope.someRequest.some_field = 'abc';
$scope.someRequest.$save({someAdditionalParams:'123'}, function(values){...handling response...});
It works fine and POSTs data I want to post, but in this particular case my post response is array of objects.
[{somestuff:'123'}, {somestuff:'321'} ... ]
Angular tries to map it back to an object and throws me an error that object was expected but got an array. I tried to create a separate resource method with isArray:1, but it still failed with same kind of error.
So, my question is: how to handle this situation? Is it possible to cancel copying $save result to $resource object?