I recently started getting the error "Unexpected exception upon serializing continuation" on a spreadsheet Google Apps Script when trying to debug. The error seem to start after I created a connection to the Google CloudSQL api. This error still occurs even after commenting out the jdbc object constructor. It appears that others have had this issue and needed a Google Tech to resolve the issue.
I have searched all of the discussion boards for a solution to this issue with no luck. Any chance there is a Google tech out there who could take a look under the hood for me? I would post code if I could determine what line was actually triggering the error.
Ok, I think I have discovered where the error is occuring. Seems to be the
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + nextPage,oauth_options);
in the while loop. Here is the entire function code.
function retrieveEvents(endTimeMinimum, updatedAfter, orderBy){
//var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/' + source_cal + '/events?key=' + api_key + "&futureevents=true&orderBy=updated&sortOrder=descending&updatedMin=" + last_sync_date_formated;
//var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/' + source_cal + '/events?key=' + api_key + "&orderBy=updated&sortOrder=descending&updatedMin=" + last_sync_date_formated;
var url = 'https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/' + source_cal + '/events?key=' + api_key + "&singleEvents=true";
if ((orderBy != null) && (orderBy != "")){
url += "&orderBy=" + orderBy;
else url += "&orderBy=updated";
if ((updatedAfter != null) && (updatedAfter != "")){
url += "&updatedMin=" + updatedAfter;
else url += "&updatedMin=" + last_sync_dateTime;
//if no endTimeMinimum is specified, the current time will be used.
if (endTimeMinimum == null || endTimeMinimum == ""){
endTimeMinimum = date_rfc339("Today");
url += "&timeMin=" + endTimeMinimum;
Logger.log("Request URL:" + url);
var largeString = "";
var events = new Array();
var nextPage = "";
var jsonObj
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url + nextPage,oauth_options);
largeString = response.getContentText();
if ((largeString != null) && (largeString != "")) {
jsonObj = JSON.parse(largeString);
if ('items' in jsonObj) events = events.concat(jsonObj.items);
if ('nextPageToken' in jsonObj){
nextPage = "&pageToken=" + jsonObj.nextPageToken;
if (events.length == 0)return null;
return events;