I've just started using backbone.js and I'm adding some basic methods to extend a collection allowing me to iterate through a collection and save all models, and iterate through a collection to destroy all models. I realise that bulk updates aren't RESTful, but I'm only updating to local storage so didn't think it would be an issue to do multiple updates.
In my base application, the collection has 9 models. When I call collection.saveModels() it correctly logs the length of the collection, and correctly saves all the models.
When I call collection.deleteModels() it correctly logs the length of the collection, but skips every second model (i.e. the 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th). Each time delete is pressed it continues to only delete the odd indexed element, with the last item to be deleted being the 8th original item.
Is it possible I'm using the each function incorrectly, despite it working perfectly when I save?
_.extend(Backbone.Collection.prototype, Backbone.Events, {
saveModels : function() {
console.log('saving model ' + model.get('name'));
deleteModels : function() {
console.log('deleting model ' + model.get('name'));
and they are called like so: mycollection.saveModels();
and mycollection.deleteModels();
I realise I can iterate through the collection based on length, but I'd rather use the built in method where possible.