In my C#/XAML metro app, there\'s a button which kicks off a long-running process. So, as recommended, I\'m using async/await to make sure the UI thread doesn\'t get blocked:
private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
await GetResults();
private async Task GetResults()
// Do lot of complex stuff that takes a long time
// (e.g. contact some web services)
Occasionally, the stuff happening within GetResults would require additional user input before it can continue. For simplicity, let\'s say the user just has to click a \"continue\" button.
My question is: how can I suspend the execution of GetResults in such a way that it awaits an event such as the click of another button?
Here\'s an ugly way to achieve what I\'m looking for: the event handler for the continue\" button sets a flag...
private bool _continue = false;
private void buttonContinue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_continue = true;
... and GetResults periodically polls it:
buttonContinue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
while (!_continue) await Task.Delay(100); // poll _continue every 100ms
buttonContinue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
The polling is clearly terrible (busy waiting / waste of cycles) and I\'m looking for something event-based.
Any ideas?
Btw in this simplified example, one solution would be of course to split up GetResults() into two parts, invoke the first part from the start button and the second part from the continue button. In reality, the stuff happening in GetResults is more complex and different types of user input can be required at different points within the execution. So breaking up the logic into multiple methods would be non-trivial.
You can use an instance of the SemaphoreSlim Class as a signal:
private SemaphoreSlim signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);
// set signal in event
// wait for signal somewhere else
await signal.WaitAsync();
Alternatively, you can use an instance of the TaskCompletionSource<T> Class to create a Task<T> that represents the result of the button click:
private TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
// complete task in event
// wait for task somewhere else
await tcs.Task;
When you have an unusual thing you need to await
on, the easiest answer is often TaskCompletionSource
(or some async
-enabled primitive based on TaskCompletionSource
In this case, your need is quite simple, so you can just use TaskCompletionSource
private TaskCompletionSource<object> continueClicked;
private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
// Note: You probably want to disable this button while \"in progress\" so the
// user can\'t click it twice.
await GetResults();
// And re-enable the button here, possibly in a finally block.
private async Task GetResults()
// Do lot of complex stuff that takes a long time
// (e.g. contact some web services)
// Wait for the user to click Continue.
continueClicked = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
buttonContinue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
await continueClicked.Task;
buttonContinue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
// More work...
private void buttonContinue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
if (continueClicked != null)
Logically, TaskCompletionSource
is like an async
, except that you can only \"set\" the event once and the event can have a \"result\" (in this case, we\'re not using it, so we just set the result to null
Here is a utility class that I use:
public class AsyncEventListener
private readonly Func<bool> _predicate;
public AsyncEventListener() : this(() => true)
public AsyncEventListener(Func<bool> predicate)
_predicate = predicate;
Successfully = new Task(() => { });
public void Listen(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
if (!Successfully.IsCompleted && _predicate.Invoke())
public Task Successfully { get; }
And here is how I use it:
var itChanged = new AsyncEventListener();
someObject.PropertyChanged += itChanged.Listen;
// ... make it change ...
await itChanged.Successfully;
someObject.PropertyChanged -= itChanged.Listen;
Ideally, you don\'t. While you certainly can block the async thread, that\'s a waste of resources, and not ideal.
Consider the canonical example where the user goes to lunch while the button is waiting to be clicked.
If you have halted your asynchronous code while waiting for the input from the user, then it\'s just wasting resources while that thread is paused.
That said, it\'s better if in your asynchronous operation, you set the state that you need to maintain to the point where the button is enabled and you\'re \"waiting\" on a click. At that point, your GetResults
method stops.
Then, when the button is clicked, based on the state that you have stored, you start another asynchronous task to continue the work.
Because the SynchronizationContext
will be captured in the event handler that calls GetResults
(the compiler will do this as a result of using the await
keyword being used, and the fact that SynchronizationContext.Current should be non-null, given you are in a UI application), you can use async
like so:
private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
await GetResults();
// Show dialog/UI element. This code has been marshaled
// back to the UI thread because the SynchronizationContext
// was captured behind the scenes when
// await was called on the previous line.
// Check continue, if true, then continue with another async task.
if (_continue) await ContinueToGetResultsAsync();
private bool _continue = false;
private void buttonContinue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
_continue = true;
private async Task GetResults()
// Do lot of complex stuff that takes a long time
// (e.g. contact some web services)
is the method that continues to get the results in the event that your button is pushed. If your button is not pushed, then your event handler does nothing.
Stephen Toub published this AsyncManualResetEvent
class on his blog.
public class AsyncManualResetEvent
private volatile TaskCompletionSource<bool> m_tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
public Task WaitAsync() { return m_tcs.Task; }
public void Set()
var tcs = m_tcs;
Task.Factory.StartNew(s => ((TaskCompletionSource<bool>)s).TrySetResult(true),
tcs, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness, TaskScheduler.Default);
public void Reset()
while (true)
var tcs = m_tcs;
if (!tcs.Task.IsCompleted ||
Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_tcs, new TaskCompletionSource<bool>(), tcs) == tcs)
Simple Helper Class:
public class EventAwaiter<TEventArgs>
private readonly TaskCompletionSource<TEventArgs> _eventArrived = new TaskCompletionSource<TEventArgs>();
private readonly Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> _unsubscribe;
public EventAwaiter(Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> subscribe, Action<EventHandler<TEventArgs>> unsubscribe)
_unsubscribe = unsubscribe;
public Task<TEventArgs> Task => _eventArrived.Task;
private EventHandler<TEventArgs> Subscription => (s, e) =>
var valueChangedEventAwaiter = new EventAwaiter<YourEventArgs>(
h => example.YourEvent += h,
h => example.YourEvent -= h);
await valueChangedEventAwaiter.Task;
With Reactive Extensions (Rx.Net)
var eventObservable = Observable
h => example.YourEvent += h,
h => example.YourEvent -= h);
var res = await eventObservable.FirstAsync();
You can add Rx with Nuget Package System.Reactive
Tested Sample:
private static event EventHandler<EventArgs> _testEvent;
private static async Task Main()
var eventObservable = Observable
h => _testEvent += h,
h => _testEvent -= h);
Task.Delay(5000).ContinueWith(_ => _testEvent?.Invoke(null, new EventArgs()));
var res = await eventObservable.FirstAsync();
Console.WriteLine(\"Event got fired\");