What are the differences among these IE settings:
Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
Disable script debugging (Other)
Display a notification about every script error
If I turn on all of the three settings what type of errors would be
disabled and what type of errors would be displayed as
I noticed that by default script debugging (the first two settings)
is disabled in the IE. Is it recommended to test the web application
with script debugging enabled?
I work on the IE team. These settings have changed meaning a bit recently, so I'll try to clarify:
Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)
This setting only has impact on Visual Studio versions prior to 2013. When enabled (unchecked), Visual Studio can attach its debugger to already running instances of IE. When disabled (checked), Visual Studio can only debug IE if Visual Studio is the one to launch the browser. In other words, already running instances of IE cannot be debugged by older versions of VS if this is checked.
Disable script debugging (Other)
When enabled (unchecked), this setting allows Visual Studio (all versions) to debug web content in applications that host the WebBrowser control. Checking this box prevents VS from debugging these applications.
Display a notification about every script error
This controls whether a dialog box that comes up as a script error is hit. The dialog gives you the opportunity to launch a system debugger (e.g. Visual Studio) at the time of the error.
Recommended Configuration
You only need to consider changing these settings if you use an older version of Visual Studio (pre-2013). In fact, changing these settings could negatively affect the performance of your page's JavaScript as this can cause the engine to not use JIT compilation.
If you use the built-in F12 debugging tools or newer versions of Visual Studio, the debug console replaces the need for the script error notification as errors are logged there. The other two settings do not affect F12 or new versions of VS's ability to debug script.
- Disable Script Debugging (Internet Explorer)
the above will turn script debugging just for browser "internet
- Disable script debugging (Other)
the above will turn script debugging on for all applications that host
the WebBrowser control (Outlook for example).
- Display a notification about every script error
means that although the script errors will continue to occur, you
will be notified about them with an popup box or in console box