I use a friends server that allows only one user to be logged from SSH, so normally I just log in as that user and then do su -l myuser
to change accounts. I wanted to automate some boring stuff using Python, but I ran into problems with that. Apparently Paramiko module that I tried first invokes a single shell for every command, so that was out of the question. Later I tried using invoke_shell()
to overcome that, but it still failed (I assume it's because changing user changes shell as well).
After that I found about Fabric module, but best I could do is open SSH shell with a proper user logged in, but without option to run any commands from code.
Is there any way to accomplish that? Final goal would probably look something like this:
ssh.login(temp_user, pass)
ssh.command("su -l myuser")
expect("Password: ", ssh.send("mypass\n")
ssh.command("somescript.sh > datadump.txt")
Using sudo
is impossible, as well as adding passwordless login.
As suggested here is the code that I tried with Paramiko:
import paramiko
host = "hostip"
user = "user"
user_to_log = "myuser"
password = "pass"
password_to_log = "mypass"
login_command = "su -l " + user_to_log
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
ssh.connect(hostip, username=user,
transport = ssh.get_transport()
session = transport.open_session()
session.exec_command("su -l " + user_to_log)
stdin = session.makefile('wb', -1)
stdin.write(password_to_log +'\n')
stdout = session.makefile('rb', -1)
for line in stdout.read().splitlines():
print('host: %s: %s' % (host, line))
su -c command
won't work either, since server system doesn't support that option.