What is the best (most secure) way to restrict which websites can iframe embed by web application?
For example, everyone should be denied who is not on the list:
- www.myFriend.com
- www.anotherFriend.com
- www.myThirdFriend.com
As a follow up question, given any restrictions for the above, what is the most secure way to find out server side which one of the white-listed sites is doing the embedding?
Use the X-Frame-Options
HTTP header.
X-Frame-Options ALLOW-FROM http://example.com/
See also the MSDN documentation which has this advice:
Note that the Allow-From token does not support wildcards or listing
of multiple origins. For cases where the server wishes to allow more
than one page to frame its content, the following design pattern is
- The outer IFRAME supplies its own origin information, using a
querystring parameter on the Inner IFRAME's src attribute. This can
obviously be specified by an attacker, but that's OK.
- The server for
the Inner IFRAME verifies the supplied Origin information meets
whatever criteria business practices call for. For example, the server
that serves the IFRAME containing a social network's "Like" button,
might check to see that the supplied Origin matches the Origin
expected for that Like button, and that the owner of the specified
Origin has a valid affiliate relationship, etc.
- If satisfied with the
information supplied, the server for the Inner IFRAME sends an
X-FRAME-OPTIONS: allow-from suppliedorigin header
- The Browser then
enforces the X-FRAME-OPTIONS directive.
The X-Frame-Options response header
Using X-Frame-Options
There are three possible values for X-Frame-Options:
The page cannot be displayed in a frame, regardless of the site attempting to do so.
The page can only be displayed in a frame on the same origin as the page itself.
The page can only be displayed in a frame on the specified origin.