Is there any provision of doing "INSERT IF NOT EXISTS ELSE UPDATE" in Spark SQL.
I have Spark SQL table "ABC" that has some records.
And then i have another batch of records that i want to Insert/update in this table based on whether they exist in this table or not.
is there a SQL command that i can use in SQL query to make this happen?
In regular Spark this could be achieved with a join
followed by a map
like this:
import spark.implicits._
val df1 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("id1", "orginal"), ("id2", "original"))).toDF("df1_id", "df1_status")
val df2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(List(("id1", "new"), ("id3","new"))).toDF("df2_id", "df2_status")
val df3 = df1
.join(df2, 'df1_id === 'df2_id, "outer")
.map(row => {
if (row.isNullAt(2))
(row.getString(0), row.getString(1))
(row.getString(2), row.getString(3))
This yields:
| _1| _2|
|id3| new|
|id1| new|
You could also use select
with udfs
instead of map
, but in this particular case with null-values, I personally prefer the map