Download file from SharePoint

2019-04-13 16:42发布


I'm using the REST APIs of SharePoint to query the files hosted inside a corporate user's Office 365 SharePoint site.

I have used OAuth to authenticate the user and authorize the the app, as described here:

I am able to successfully query the API with a GET request on: (the request as the Authorization header set to 'Bearer ', as you'd expect.)

The above query gives me the following JSON result:

    "odata.metadata" = "$metadata#SP.ApiData.Files";
    value =     ( 
            CreatedBy =             {
                Id = 1;
                Name = “Test”;
                Puid = xxxxx;
            ETag = “\”{hsdglksjfldkasnfldasknk},4\””;
            Id = JKLBbiuuu908yYHhh89YBn9n9ynynYUN;
            LastModifiedBy =             {
                Id = 1;
                Name = “XXXXX”;
                Puid = XXXXXXXXXXX;
            Name = "videofile.wmv";
            Size = 56492358;
            TimeCreated = "2013-09-23T05:16:44Z";
            TimeLastModified = "2013-09-23T05:28:42Z";
            Url = " Documents/videofile.wmv";
            "odata.editLink" = "Web/Lists(guid’9568472598-2c28-489BF2-a1ae-kfjdasfkjb)/files(‘jkbvasdjfbakfndasnMNBBAMnsaldfan)”;
            "" = "’987795-gfkjhghs-ty42398yhfo’)/files('jkbvasdjfbakfndasnMNBBAMnsaldfan')";
            "odata.type" = "MS.FileServices.File";

(Bear in mind the above is not actually JSON, but text output from a JSON parser)

In the result above, I get an array of files inside the value part. I have cut this array down to one item for illustrative purposes.

You'll see each item represents a file's meta data. There's a property called Url; I then use this to attempt to download the file. I create an HTTP request, append the Authorization header with Bearer <access_token>, however, the response is always an HTTP 401 UNAUTHORIZED.

Please note: the software I'm writing is actually in Objective-C using AFNetworking 2's AFHTTPRequestOperationManager.

Does anyone know how I can actually download the file? I have seen references to some property called 'contentUrl' in the docs, but this property is not supplied.

thanks Kris


Are you using the v1 of the API? From your endpoint it seems like you're using preview (v1 was released 2 weeks ago; we might still have outdated references on our documentation pages, please let us know if you come across any)


GET https://{tenant}{site-path}/_api/v1.0/Files/{file-id}/content

This is the URL of the documentation section that shows you how to download a file:

Let me know if you have any other issues.