I'm using the REST APIs of SharePoint to query the files hosted inside a corporate user's Office 365 SharePoint site.
I have used OAuth to authenticate the user and authorize the the app, as described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn645542.aspx
I am able to successfully query the API with a GET request on: https://XXXXXXX.sharepoint.com/sites/xxxxx/xxxxx/myfoldername/_api/files (the request as the Authorization header set to 'Bearer ', as you'd expect.)
The above query gives me the following JSON result:
"odata.metadata" = "https://xxxxxxxxx.sharepoint.com/sites/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/myfoldername/_api/$metadata#SP.ApiData.Files";
value = (
CreatedBy = {
Id = 1;
Name = “Test”;
Puid = xxxxx;
ETag = “\”{hsdglksjfldkasnfldasknk},4\””;
Id = JKLBbiuuu908yYHhh89YBn9n9ynynYUN;
LastModifiedBy = {
Id = 1;
Name = “XXXXX”;
Name = "videofile.wmv";
Size = 56492358;
TimeCreated = "2013-09-23T05:16:44Z";
TimeLastModified = "2013-09-23T05:28:42Z";
Url = "https://xxxxxxxxx.sharepoint.com/sites/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/myfoldername/Shared Documents/videofile.wmv";
"odata.editLink" = "Web/Lists(guid’9568472598-2c28-489BF2-a1ae-kfjdasfkjb)/files(‘jkbvasdjfbakfndasnMNBBAMnsaldfan)”;
"odata.id" = "https://xxxxxxxxx.sharepoint.com/sites/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/myfoldername/_api/Web/Lists(guid’987795-gfkjhghs-ty42398yhfo’)/files('jkbvasdjfbakfndasnMNBBAMnsaldfan')";
"odata.type" = "MS.FileServices.File";
(Bear in mind the above is not actually JSON, but text output from a JSON parser)
In the result above, I get an array of files inside the value
part. I have cut this array down to one item for illustrative purposes.
You'll see each item represents a file's meta data. There's a property called Url
; I then use this to attempt to download the file. I create an HTTP request, append the Authorization header with Bearer <access_token>
, however, the response is always an HTTP 401 UNAUTHORIZED
Please note: the software I'm writing is actually in Objective-C using AFNetworking 2's AFHTTPRequestOperationManager
Does anyone know how I can actually download the file? I have seen references to some property called 'contentUrl' in the docs, but this property is not supplied.
thanks Kris