How can be implemented HTML5 datalist with values from the database (Doctrine)?
Purpose: replace selects with many options to inputs with autocompletion.
How can be implemented HTML5 datalist with values from the database (Doctrine)?
Purpose: replace selects with many options to inputs with autocompletion.
First, add your new FormType
for the field:.
// src/Acme/Form/Type/DatalistType
namespace Acme\Form\Type;
use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
class DatalistType extends AbstractType
public function getParent()
return 'text';
public function setDefaultOptions(OptionsResolverInterface $resolver)
public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
$view->vars['choices'] = $options['choices'];
public function getName()
return 'datalist';
In services.yml
class: Acme\Form\Type\DatalistType
- { name: form.type, alias: datalist }
Do you have a form theme? If yes, skip to the next step, if no, create a new one in app/Resources/views/Form/fields.html.twig
and change your default Twig theme to it:
# app/config/config.yml
- ':Form:fields.html.twig'
Now define a template for your new field in the form theme:
{% block datalist_widget %}
<input list="{{ id }}_list" {{ block('widget_attributes') }}>
<datalist id="{{ id }}_list">
{% for choice in choices %}
<option value="{{ choice }}"></option>
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Use your field in FormType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('country', 'datalist', [choices' => ['a', 'b']]);
Instead of ['a', 'b']
You need to load your choices from DB somehow, I'd suggest passing them in form options as the easiest solution.
In your formType :
->add('commerciaux', TextType::class,
'label' => 'Apporteur d\'affaire*',
'attr' =>
'placeholder' => 'Apporteur d\'affaire',
'list' => 'bieres'
In your View :
{{ form_row(formulaire.commerciaux) }}
<datalist id="bieres">
<option value="Meteor">
<option value="Pils">
<option value="Kronenbourg">
<option value="Grimbergen">
I spent some time trying to solve this issue, and there is a quite simple solution which solves Konstantin's issue with database access. It is to create a new form type which has EntityType as it's parent.
class DatalistType extends AbstractType
public function getParent() {
return EntityType::class;
You can then create a new template for this widget:
{# views/form/fields.html.twig #}
{% block datalist_widget %}
<input {{ block('widget_attributes') }} list="{{ }}_list" value="{{ form.vars.value }}" />
<datalist id="{{ }}_list">
{% for choice in choices %}
{{ choice.label }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
Finally, in the buildForm function of the form you are building, you can add your form element using the DatalistType, and using the EntityType options.
$builder->add('fieldName', DatalistType::class ,
array('required' => false,
'label' => 'fieldLabel',
'class' => 'AppBundle\Entity\EntityName',
'choice_label' => 'entityField'))