I am able to run embedded jetty with gradle jettyRunWar command. However, it is not automatically stopped on program termination.
I tried below two code after searching the solution on stackoverflow and other forums. But none works.
1) build.gradle
apply plugin: 'jetty'
task runJetty() {
jettyStop.stopPort = 8090
dependsOn jettyRunWar
finalizedBy jettyStop
2) build.gradle
apply plugin: 'jetty'
task runJetty() {
doFirst {
jettyRunWar.stopPort = 8090
jettyRunWar.stopKey = 'stopKey'
jettyRunWar.daemon = true
doLast {
jettyStop.stopPort = 8090
jettyStop.stopKey = 'stopKey'
In both cases, on running runJetty task, embedded jetty server starts but did not stop on program termination.
FWIW: I am using Eclipse External Tools Configuration to start and terminate build.gradle. And, using 8080 port in the url to test.