I am attempting to create a multiline graph using Vincent.
I have a csv file with the following layout:
Tom J,97,65,82,65,101,84,79,71,83
Lisa R,95,87,95,65,61,78,93,95,56
Rich F,51,111,50,119,84,77,73,84,60
Anne E,63,68,89,70,95,80,56,75,82
Dan M,83,95,36,115,79,79,65,55,69
Mack W,67,89,72,79,47,64,113,94,33
Here is my code:
import pandas as pd
import vincent
df = pd.read_csv('weekscores.csv', index_col=0)
lines = vincent.Line(df)
lines.axis_titles(x='WEEKS', y='SCORE')
This runs and a graph is generated but no lines are displayed in the graph:
Inspecting the data using .grammar() I see something like this for each week's score:
{'val': 97, 'col': 'wk1', 'idx': 'Tom J'}
Any assistance in getting this to render is appreciated.
There are a couple issues here: the first is that Vincent (naively) assumes that line charts are going to take linear scales, when in this case we actual need an ordinal scale. The second issue is that the dataframe needs to be transposed so that the weeks are on the index. So, to get the plot you're looking for:
import vincent
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('weekscores.csv', index_col=0)
df = df.T
Name Tom J Lisa R Rich F Anne E Dan M Mack W
wk1 97 95 51 63 83 67
wk2 65 87 111 68 95 89
wk3 82 95 50 89 36 72
wk4 65 65 119 70 115 79
wk5 101 61 84 95 79 47
wk6 84 78 77 80 79 64
wk7 79 93 73 56 65 113
wk8 71 95 84 75 55 94
wk9 83 56 60 82 69 33
Now that we've got the data flipped, we can create the line chart, and ensure that the x-scale is ordinal:
lines = vincent.Line(df)
lines.scales[0].type = 'ordinal'
lines.axis_titles(x='WEEKS', y='SCORE')
and you should end up with something like the following:
Hope this helps!