I have to implement an application that permits printing the content of all files within a tar.gz file.
For Example:
if I have three files like this in a folder called testx:
A.txt contains the words "God Save The queen"
B.txt contains the words "Ubi maior, minor cessat"
C.txt.gz is a file compressed with gzip that contain the file c.txt with the words "Hello America!!"
So I compress testx, obtain the compressed tar file: testx.tar.gz.
So with my Java application I would like to print in the console:
"God Save The queen"
"Ubi maior, minor cessat"
"Hello America!!"
I have implemented the ZIP version and it works well, but keeping tar library from apache ant http://commons.apache.org/compress/, I noticed that it is not easy like ZIP java utils.
Could someone help me?
I have started looking on the net to understand how to accomplish my aim, so I have the following code:
GZIPInputStream gzipInputStream=null;
gzipInputStream = new GZIPInputStream( new FileInputStream(fileName));
TarInputStream is = new TarInputStream(gzipInputStream);
TarEntry entryx = null;
while((entryx = is.getNextEntry()) != null) {
if (entryx.isDirectory()) continue;
else {
if ( entryx.getName().endsWith("txt.gz")){
// out is a OutputStream!!
So in the line is.copyEntryContents(out)
, it is possible to save on a file the stream passing an OutputStream, but I don't want it! In the zip version after keeping the first entry, ZipEntry, we can extract the stream from the compressed root folder, testx.tar.gz, and then create a new ZipInputStream and play with it to obtain the content.
Is it possible to do this with the tar.gz file?