I am using expressjs 4.0 along with multer to handle file uploads.
Problem is, I want to stop file upload when the file's size exceeds a maxSize variable. But
multer uploads file anyways.
Is there a way to stop this behaviour.
Some example code :
app.post('/upload', function(req, res) {
var maxSize = 32 * 1000 * 1000 // 32mb max
if(req.files.file.length > maxSize) {
// stop upload
} else {
// continue
According to Multer documentation: (https://www.npmjs.org/package/multer) you could use onFileUploadStart(file), and return false if the size is above your limit.
For example:
var express = require('express');
var multer = require('multer');
var maxSize = 32 * 1000 * 1000;
var app = express();
dest: './uploads/',
onFileUploadStart: function(file, req, res){
if(req.files.file.length > maxSize) {
return false;
Try multer limits–
app.use('/userimage', multer({
limits: { fileSize: 1* 1024 * 1024}, //1mb
onFileUploadStart: function (file, req, res) {
console.log(file.fieldname + ' fileupload is starting ...');
Documentation here https://www.npmjs.org/package/multer
That´s how I'm dealing with this problem in my project. It seems the best solution for now.
var multer = require('./config/multer')();
var utils = require('./utils');
module.exports = function(app, dao) {
app.post('/docs/:system', multer, function(req, res) {
var file = req.files.documento;
if (file.truncated) {
utils.removeFile(file.path); // remove the truncated file
return res.status(413).end(); // 413 ("Request Entity Too Large")
res.status(200).send({_id : document._id});
}); ...
var multer = require('multer');
var config = require('./config')();
module.exports = function() {
return multer({ dest: config.BASE_UPLOAD_FOLDER, limits: {fileSize: config.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_UPLOAD},
onFileSizeLimit: function (file) {
console.log('> The file size exceeds the maximum size allowed (' + config.MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_UPLOAD/(1024*1024) + 'MB)');
onFileUploadComplete: function(file) {
console.log('> File \'' + file.fieldname + '\' stored in \'' + file.path + '\'' + (file.truncated ? ' (TRUNCATED).' : '.') );
var fs = require('fs');
var removeFile = function (filePath) {
try {
console.log('File"' + filePath + '" removed!');
} catch (err) {
exports.removeFile = removeFile;
I think the best place to do this file size checking is on frontend instead of backend. When user selects a file to upload, we can get file size immediately, and alert user if the size exceeds allowed limit.
Here's how I do it:
$('#upload input').change(function(click) {
var file = this.files[0];
if (file.size > MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB * 1024 * 1024) {
alert('Sorry, selected file exceeds allowed size limit (' + MAX_FILE_SIZE_MB + 'MB).');
return false;
// Post file upload request via AJAX
// ...