I have an element 3D transformed something like this:
.foo {
transform: rotateX(-30deg) rotateY(35deg);
Now I want to get these values via javascript. It's easy to get the 3D matrix:
var matrix = $('.foo').css('transform');
// return:
// matrix3d(0.819152, -0.286788, -0.496732, 0, 0, 0.866025, -0.5, 0, 0.573576, 0.409576, 0.709406, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
But is it possible to calculate CSS like values -30 and 35 with that matrix? I just found ways to do this for 2D transforms.
Ok, got it!
var _getTransform = function($element) {
var matrix = $element.css('transform'),
rotateX = 0,
rotateY = 0,
rotateZ = 0;
if (matrix !== 'none') {
// do some magic
var values = matrix.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].split(','),
pi = Math.PI,
sinB = parseFloat(values[8]),
b = Math.round(Math.asin(sinB) * 180 / pi),
cosB = Math.cos(b * pi / 180),
matrixVal10 = parseFloat(values[9]),
a = Math.round(Math.asin(-matrixVal10 / cosB) * 180 / pi),
matrixVal1 = parseFloat(values[0]),
c = Math.round(Math.acos(matrixVal1 / cosB) * 180 / pi);
rotateX = a;
rotateY = b;
rotateZ = c;
return {
rotateX: rotateX,
rotateY: rotateY,
rotateZ: rotateZ