I worked so hard to change the default background color of Lollipop's DatePicker. I cannot simply use Styleable attrs to change the default style. And as mentioned in another post, I can only use reflection to find the view, and then make changes on it.
if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) {
int monthDayYearLayoutId = Resources.getSystem().getIdentifier("date_picker_month_day_year_layout", "id", "android");
if (monthDayYearLayoutId != 0) {
View monthDayYearLayout = datePicker.findViewById(monthDayYearLayoutId);
if (monthDayYearLayout != null) {
However, I am only able to access the upper half of the DatePicker (see below).
DatePicker's upper half
However,for the lower half which is a CalendarView (see below), I cannot change using the same approach, as I cannot find the view (I tried to find the view by the id R.id.calendar_view, yet it is not working.).
DatePicker's lower half
To be precise, I would like to change the background color of the circled date, and the textColor for the present date (in this case, it is 7th March, 2014)
Any hints? Thanks a lot.
After looking through the docs, I found that the lower half's calendar is in fact a SimpleMonthView.class, and the background color of the circle and the textColor for the present day are both governed by the param (int) mSelectedDayColor.
mSelectedDayColor = colors.getColorForState(ENABLED_SELECTED_STATE_SET,
I cannot use the previous method, since the calendar is created in the onDraw method programmatically, but not by inflating a layout file.
So the problem boils down to - how could I change the resource value for mSelectedDayColor?
Updates: After working on alanv's solution, I tried this: Since I am working on Lollipop's DatePicker, I put the following in v21-styles.xml:
<style name="MyCalendarView" parent="@android:style/Widget.CalendarView">
<item name="android:showWeekNumber">true</item>
<item name="android:minDate">01/01/2016</item>
<item name="android:maxDate">12/31/2100</item>
<item name="android:shownWeekCount">6</item>
<item name="android:selectedWeekBackgroundColor">#330099FF</item>
<item name="android:focusedMonthDateColor">#FFFFFFFF</item>
<item name="android:unfocusedMonthDateColor">#66FFFFFF</item>
<item name="android:weekNumberColor">#33FFFFFF</item>
<item name="android:weekSeparatorLineColor">#19FFFFFF</item>
And I changed some of the default values, eg. android:minDate.
And in my activity_main.xml,
But there is no effect on DatePicker for Lollipop.