I have a class where one of the public methods is a perfect fit for parameterized tests. Also I am reading that you usually keep a correspondence between testcases (a class having multiple methods with @Test annotated methods) and classes in the project. Is it possible somehow to use both Parameterized.class and JUnitCore.class as the runner ? Right now if utilizing Parameterized I can't work out how to setup non-parameterized testing of methods within the same testcase. I have thought about then creating a Suite wich would then include the Parameterized test and "regular" ones, but then it seems that to make names meaningful for testcases, I would have to bind the name of the testcase to the name of the method rather then to the class containing the method which seems to be standard way.
For example
public class MyClass {
public int methodSuitableForParameterizedTest(int m){
// Implementation
public int methodForRegularTest(int m) {
// Implmentation
Can I still have a single testcase TestMyclass
that contains paremeterized testing of the first method as well as non-parameterized testing of the second ?