After reading and debugging some AOSP code, I've finally managed to load resources dynamically. Step-by-step guide:
Create a new Android project, I've called it 'Dynamic APK Loading', specified whatever.dynamicapkloading
app ID, and left 'app' module name.
Create another Android application module without any Activities. I've done this in the same project, but this is up to you. I've called module 'dynamic', and set application ID to whatever.dynamic
Remove all unnecessary things from 'dynamic' project. I've removed launcher drawables along with any other resources, and also removed AppCompat depencency from build.gradle. My manifest content looked minimalistic, like this: <application />
Add some code to 'dynamic' project. For example:
package whatever.dynamic;
import android.content.Context;
import android.widget.Toast;
public final class Code implements Runnable {
private final Context context;
public Code(Context context) {
this.context = context;
public void run() {
Toast.makeText(context, "Running dynamic code!",
Add some resources to 'dynamic' project. I've created strings.xml
<string name="someString">This is a dynamically loaded string.</string>
<string name="anotherString">Lol! That\'s it.</string>
Add it to Run configurations. Set Launch Options / Launch to Nothing. Build -> Build APK! On this step I've got 4.9 KB file called dynamic-debug.apk
Move this file, dynamic/build/outputs/apk/dynamic-debug.apk
, into our main project's assets, i. e. to app/src/main/assets/
Create/open a class which will load code & resources. Say, this will be DynamicActivity.
Write code which will copy APK from assets to private app directory. It's boring & trivial, you know:
File targetApk = new File(getDir("dex", Context.MODE_PRIVATE), "app.apk");
// copy APK from assets to private directory
// remove this condition in order to keep dynamic APK fresh
if (!targetApk.exists() || !targetApk.isFile()) {
try (BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(
OutputStream dexWriter = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(targetApk))) {
byte[] buf = new byte[4096];
int len;
while((len =, 0, 4096)) > 0) {
dexWriter.write(buf, 0, len);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
Write code which will load necessary class and instantiate it.
PathClassLoader loader = new PathClassLoader(
targetApk.getAbsolutePath(), getClassLoader());
Class<?> dynamicClass = loader.loadClass("whatever.dynamic.Code");
Constructor<?> ctor = dynamicClass.getConstructor(Context.class);
dynamicInstance = (Runnable) ctor.newInstance(this);
Write code which will load resources from the specified APK. This was a hard one! All constructors and methods are public, but they are hidden. I've written it in reflective way, but to avoid this you can either compile your code against full framework jar or write a part of code in Smali.
AssetManager assets = AssetManager.class.newInstance();
Method addAssetPath = AssetManager.class
.getMethod("addAssetPath", String.class);
if (addAssetPath.invoke(assets, targetApk.getAbsolutePath()) ==
Integer.valueOf(0)) {
throw new RuntimeException();
Class<?> resourcesImpl = Class.forName("android.content.res.ResourcesImpl");
Class<?> daj = Class.forName("android.view.DisplayAdjustments");
Object impl = resourcesImpl
.getConstructor(AssetManager.class, DisplayMetrics.class,
Configuration.class, daj)
.newInstance(assets, getResources().getDisplayMetrics(),
getResources().getConfiguration(), daj.newInstance());
dynamicResources = Resources.class.getConstructor(ClassLoader.class)
Method setImpl = Resources.class.getMethod("setImpl",
setImpl.invoke(dynamicResources, impl);
Use these resources! There are two ways of getting resource IDs.
int someStringId = dynamicResources.getIdentifier(
"someString", "string", "whatever.dynamic");
String someString = dynamicResources.getString(someStringId);
Class<?> rString = Class.forName("whatever.dynamic.R$string", true, loader);
anotherStringId = rString.getField("anotherString").getInt(null);
String anotherString = dynamicResources.getString(anotherStringId);
That's it! This worked for me. Full code
In real-world projects you must sign APK while building and check its signature while loading. And, of course, never store it on sdcard, otherwise your APK may be spoofed!