anagram algorithm

2019-04-13 02:45发布


Which is the best way of generating anagrams for a text(maximum 80 characters length). Example: Input: dog output dog dgo odg ogd gdo god

I'm only thinking of a backtracking solution, but that will take a while if the text is longer.

Another thought is bulding i trie for all words in dictionary, but the problem doesn't ask for real words.

Can somebody point out a minimum time complexity solution?

Thank you!


The question looks like generating the list of permutations; (Anagrams are a subset of permutations, which form a meaningful word). n! Permutations can be generated in chronological order using the approach of STL's next_permutation, (linear time complexity per permutation); You can find the discussion of this algorithm here: ; STL's algorithm can even handle duplicates and the naive swap algorithm fails in this case.

For a indepth discussion on generating permutations, you can go through Donald Knuth's Generating all Perumutations section of TAOCP.


here is a straight-forward implementation, just in case you need one:

IEnumerable<List<T>> Permutations<T>(List<T> items)
    if (items.Count == 0) yield return new List<T>();

    var copy = new List<T>(items);
    foreach (var i in items)
        foreach (var rest in Permutations(copy))
            rest.Insert(0, i);
            yield return rest;
        copy.Insert(0, i);


IEnumerable<string> Anagrams(string word)
    return Permutations(word.ToCharArray().ToList()).Select(x => new String(x.ToArray()));

The answer concerning the time-complexity gave Adithya. To understand their answer you have to know that there are n! = 1*2*...*n permutations for n items. My algorithm is a proof for that (or based on the straight forward proof)


Backtracking is the fastest way to go, When you want all the anagrams for a text, it means you need all the n! permutations of it. So assuming printing/generating each permutation takes O(1) atleast, your algorithm would take O(n!) anyways, hence you cant do quicker than a backtracking solution.