i need to show in my web application document that is in pdf or rtf format in some kind of none edible format that can't be changed and cant be downloaded the perfect candidate is the flash player , but i know the tool that converting pdf or rdf to swf is not free. im looking for free solutions , does not have to be flash .
Use pdf2swf and in general the SWF tools.
Just use Flashpaper, which can convert every format to non-editible flash. It installs a printer, so to convert say a Word document, you just have to go to Word and print the document with the Flash Paper printer. It prints a non-editible swf file.
you can simply use the Page Turning Software for the Printing your publication in Digital Publication which is non editable.
U can also use flexpaper together with pdf2swf, its a open source viewer http://www.devaldi.com/?p=350