I tried both the November 2015 release (build 10586) and the Feb 2016 Insider Preview release (build 14262), however my USB microphone is not working with Windows 10 IOT core.
I am creating a speech recognition based program using windows IOT Core.
I am using Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition api for this job. When I run the program on a simulator in my Window 10 PC using Visual Studio 2015, microphone works and sound gets detected and the program functions as required.
However when i deploy the same build to my Raspberry Pi2, which has Window IOT Core installed, program doesnt detect any sound. I see that my microphone is detected correctly by Windows IOT Core, as i can see the same in the default app which comes with Windows IOT core.
I can listen the sounds (headphone) though. However somehow my microphone voice is not getting through to my speech recognition program when it runs on RPi2 with Windows 10 IOT Core.
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a speech recognition program using Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition api.
- Check the program functioning on Windows 10 pc in a simulator
- Deploy the same build to RPi2 with Windows 10 IOT core.
- Program doesnt detect any sound from microphone.
Need serious help.
Use a microphone that is fully compatible with the SpeechRecognizer in Windows IoT Core. I have tested some microphones that works with SpeechRecognizer in Windows IoT Core.
Microphones that works with SpeechRecognizer in Windows IoT Core Build 10586
- Kinobo - Mini Akiro USB Microphone
- Blue Microphones Snowball (it is really big)
- Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 (it is a web cam with a microphone included)
Microphones that works with SpeechRecognizer in Windows IoT Core Build 14295
- Kinobo - Mini Akiro USB Microphone
- Blue Microphones Snowball (not tested but should work)
- Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 (not tested but should work)
Microphones that works with SpeechRecognizer in Windows IoT Core Build 15063
- Logitech G933 Artemis Spectrum Wireless Headset
- Kinobo - Mini Akiro USB Microphone (not tested but should work)
- Blue Microphones Snowball (not tested but should work)
- Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 (not tested but should work)
- Logitech G930 Wireless Headset (not tested but should work)
Please feel free to post microphones that works with SpeechRecognizer in Windows IoT Core.
That's because
does not support now.
you can check here
I'm doing something similar on Raspbian with a USB Mic and it works with the SpeechRecognition library that you can get through apt-get. It also requires PyAudio or PortAudio and FLAC so you might need those for the Win10 version. (I have a Kinobo Rikuto from Amazon at about £3.99)