Having an issue with socket.io today. When I refresh a page .on("connect", {}) never fires. When I load a page from the url all events fire as they should. As you can see below I set the gameStatus to broken. After a series of client/server communications the game status should update to "ready" and a new player should be created on the server. When I reload the page (cmd+r), none of the client side events fire.
The server side recognizes the new connection "sees" the new socket.id and emits the "send room" event, but the event is not received on the client side.
I tried to force new connection, but I don't know whether or not I am using that correctly.
Last week this worked as I expected, then today without even updating the code, it can't get those events to fire on page refreshes. Everything works as it should if I load the page from the full url (http://localhost:3000
in this case)
var io = io.connect('/', {'force new connection': true});
var gameStatus = 'broken';
var localPlayer;
window.onload = function() {
console.log(gameStatus); // "broken"
io.on("connect", onSocketConnected);
io.on("disconnect", onSocketDisconnect);
io.on("new player", onNewPlayer);
io.on("send room", function(data){
console.log("send room fired"); // doesn't fire on refresh
function onSocketConnected() {
console.log("Connected to socket server "); // doesn't connect on refresh
// assign socket.sessionid as the player name
localPlayer.id = io.socket.sessionid;
io.emit("new player", {id: localPlayer.id});
console.log(localPlayer.id); // "undefined" on refresh
function onSocketDisconnect() {
console.log("Disconnected from socket server");
function addPlayer(data) {
console.log("addPlayer fired"); // doesn't fire on refresh
gameStatus = data.roomStatus;
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on("disconnect", onClientDisconnect);
socket.on("new player", onNewPlayer);
io.sockets.on("connection", onSocketConnection);
function onSocketConnection(socket) {
console.log("New player has connected: " + socket.id);
var lastRoom = rooms.length-1; // simplified for stackoverflow
// send the playerType and roomNum to the client
io.sockets.in(lastRoom).emit('send room', { roomStatus: "ready" });
function onNewPlayer(client) {
console.log("new player created!"); // only on first page load
var newPlayer = new Player(client.id);
players.push(newPlayer); // add player to player array
function onClientDisconnect(socket) {
util.log("Player has disconnected: " + this.id);
var disRooms = io.sockets.manager.roomClients[this.id];
for (var room in disRooms) {
if (room.length > 0) { // if not the global room ''
room = room.replace(/\//g, '')
console.log('user exits: '+room);
this.broadcast.to(room).emit('player left');