Dynamically Fill Jenkins Choice Parameter With Git

2019-01-08 06:07发布


I have a parameterized Jenkins job which requires the input of a specific Git branch in a specific Git repo. Currently this parameter is a string parameter.

Is there any way to make this parameter a choice parameter and dynamically fill the drop down list with the Git branches? I don't want to require someone to maintain this choice parameter by manually configuring the drop down every time a new branch is created.


Extended Choice Parameter plugin will allow you to read the choices from a file.

Of course, now you have another problem: how to make sure the file is up-to-date (that can be done with a post-commit hook) and propagated to all the users (that can be done by placing it on a shared file server). But there may be better solutions.


I tried a couple of answers mentioned in this link, but couldn't figure out how to tell Jenkins about the user-selected branch. As mentioned in my previous comment in above thread, I had left the branch selector field empty.

But, during further investigations, I found another way to do the same thing - https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Git+Parameter+Plugin I found this method was a lot simpler, and had less things to configure!

Here's what I configured -

  1. Installed the git parameter plugin
  2. Checked the 'This build is parameterized' and added a 'Git parameter'
  3. Added the following values:

  4. Then in the git SCM section of the job I added the same value mentioned in the 'Name' section, as if it were an environment variable. (If you read the help for this git parameter plugin carefully, you will realize this)

After this I just ran the build, chose my branch(Jenkins checks out this branch before building) and it completed the build successfully, AND by choosing the branch that I had specified.


I was able to achieve this result using the Jenkins Dynamic Parameter Plug-in. I used the Dynamic Choice Parameter option and, for the choices script, I used the following:

proc1 = ['/bin/bash', '-c', "/usr/bin/git ls-remote -h ssh://user@server.com/path/to/repo.git"].execute()
proc2 = ['/bin/bash', '-c', "awk '{print \$2}'"].execute()
proc3 = ['/bin/bash', '-c', "sed s%^refs/heads%origin%"].execute()

all = proc1 | proc2 | proc3
String result = all.text

String filename = "/tmp/branches.txt"
boolean success = new File(filename).write(result) 

def multiline = "cat /tmp/branches.txt".execute().text
def list = multiline.readLines()


Its quite simple using the "Git Parameter Plug-in".

Add Name like "SELECT_BRANCH" ## Make sure for this variable as this would be used later. Then Parameter Type : Branch

Then reach out to SCM : Select : Git and branch specifier : ${SELECT_BRANCH}

To verify, execute below in shell in jenkins:


env.enter image description here


expanding on @malenkiy_scot's answer. I created a new jenkins job to build up the file that is used by Extended Choice Plugin.

you can do the following (I did it as execute shell steps in jenkins, but you could do it in a script):

git ls-remote git@github.com:my/repo.git |grep refs/heads/* >tmp.txt
sed -e 's/.*refs\/heads\///' tmp.txt > tmp2.txt
tr '\n' ',' < tmp2.txt > tmp3.txt
sed '1i\branches=' tmp3.txt > tmp4.txt
tr -d '\n'  < tmp4.txt > branches.txt

I then use the Artifact deployer plugin to push that file to a shared location, which is in a web url, then just use 'http://localhost/branches.txt' in the Extended Choice plugin as the url. works like a charm.


You can accomplish the same using the extended choice parameter plugin before mentioned by malenkiy_scot and a simple php script as follows(assuming you have somewhere a server to deploy php scripts that you can hit from the Jenkins machine)

exec('git branch -r', $output);
print('branches='.str_replace('  origin/','',implode(',', $output)));


exec('git ls-remote -h http://user:pass@repo.git', $output);
print('branches='.preg_replace('/[a-z0-9]*\trefs\/heads\//','',implode(',', $output)));

With the first option you would need to clone the repo. With the second one you don't, but in both cases you need git installed in the server hosting your php script. Whit any of this options it gets fully dynamic, you don't need to build a list file. Simply put the URL to your script in the extended choice parameter "property file" field.


Yes, I wrote a little groovy script which does the trick You should add a 'Dynamic Choice Parameter' to your job and customize the following groovy script to your needs :


def gitURL = "git repo url"
def command = "git ls-remote --heads --tags ${gitURL}"

def proc = command.execute()

if ( proc.exitValue() != 0 ) {
   println "Error, ${proc.err.text}"

def text = proc.in.text
# put your version string match
def match = /<REGEX>/
def tags = []

text.eachMatch(match) { tags.push(it[1]) }
tags.sort( { a, b ->
         def a1 = a.tokenize('._-')
         def b1 = b.tokenize('._-')
         try {
            for (i in 1..<[a1.size(), b1.size()].min()) { 
                 if (a1[i].toInteger() != b1[i].toInteger()) return a1[i].toInteger() <=> b1[i].toInteger()
            return 1
         } catch (e) {
            return -1;
} )

I my case the version string was in the following format X.X.X.X and could have user branches in the format X.X.X-username ,etc... So I had to write my own sort function. This was my first groovy script so if there are better ways of doing thing I would like to know.


The following groovy script would be useful, if your job does not use "Source Code Management" directly (likewise "Git Parameter Plugin"), but still have access to a local (cloned) git repository:

import jenkins.model.Jenkins

def envVars = Jenkins.instance.getNodeProperties()[0].getEnvVars() 
def gettags = "git ls-remote -t --heads origin".execute(null, new File(GIT_PROJECT_PATH))

return gettags.text.readLines()
         .collect { it.split()[1].replaceAll('\\^\\{\\}', '').replaceAll('refs/\\w+/', '')  }

See full explanation here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/37810768/658497


We can eliminate the unnecessary file read/write by using text. My complete solution is the following:

proc1 = ['/bin/bash', '-c', 
  "/usr/bin/git ls-remote --heads ssh://repo_url.git"].execute()
proc2 = ['/bin/bash', '-c', 
  "/usr/bin/awk ' { gsub(/refs\\/heads\\//, \"\"); print \$2 }' "].execute()
all = proc1 | proc2

choices = all.text
return choices.split().toList();


For Me I use the input stage param:

  1. I start my pipeline by checking out the git project.
  2. I use a awk commade to generate a barnch.txt file with list of all branches
  3. In stage setps, i read the file and use it to generate a input choice params

When a user launch a pipeline, this one will be waiting him to choose on the list choice.

agent any


    stage('checkout scm') {
        steps {
                git credentialsId: '8bd8-419d-8af0-30960441fcd7', url: 'ssh://jenkins@git.company.com:/usr/company/repositories/repo.git'
                sh 'git branch -r | awk \'{print $1}\' ORS=\'\\n\' >>branch.txt'

     stage('get build Params User Input') {

                liste = readFile 'branch.txt'
                echo "please click on the link here to chose the branch to build"
                env.BRANCH_SCOPE = input message: 'Please choose the branch to build ', ok: 'Validate!',
                        parameters: [choice(name: 'BRANCH_NAME', choices: "${liste}", description: 'Branch to build?')]

    stage("checkout the branch"){
            echo "${env.BRANCH_SCOPE}"
            git  credentialsId: 'ea346a50-8bd8-419d-8af0-30960441fcd7', url: 'ssh://jenkins@git.company.com/usr/company/repositories/repo.git'
            sh "git checkout -b build ${env.BRANCH_NAME}"
    stage(" exec maven build"){
            withMaven(maven: 'M3', mavenSettingsConfig: 'mvn-setting-xml') {
               sh "mvn clean install "
    stage("clean workwpace"){


And then user will interact withim the build :

enter image description here

enter image description here


I am facing a similar problem here. Our users are migrating their jobs from freestyle to pipeline. They do not want Jenkinsfile stored in their repos(historical reason) and still want to use "Git Parameter" plugin

So we have to use use "Pipeline script" and develop a different plugin which works like "Git Parameter".

This new plugin does not integrate with SCM setting in the project. The plugin is at https://plugins.jenkins.io/list-git-branches-parameter

Hope it helps you as well