I have a spring-mvc project that is using spring-data-jpa for data access. I have a domain object called Travel
which I want to allow the end-user to apply a number of filters to it.
For that, I've implemented the following controller:
private TravelRepository travelRep;
public ModelAndView search(
@RequestParam(required= false, defaultValue="") String lastName,
Pageable pageable) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("travels/list");
Page<Travel> travels = travelRep.findByLastNameLike("%"+lastName+"%", pageable);
PageWrapper<Travel> page = new PageWrapper<Travel>(travels, "/search");
mav.addObject("page", page);
mav.addObject("lastName", lastName);
return mav;
This works fine: The user has a form with a lastName
input box which can be used to filter the Travels.
Beyond lastName, my Travel
domain object has a lot more attributes by which I'd like to filter. I think that if these attributes were all strings then I could add them as @RequestParam
s and add a spring-data-jpa method to query by these. For instance I'd add a method findByLastNameLikeAndFirstNameLikeAndShipNameLike
However, I don't know how should I do it when I need to filter for foreign keys. So my Travel
has a period
attribute that is a foreign key to the Period
domain object, which I need to have it as a dropdown for the user to select the Period
What I want to do is when the period is null I want to retrieve all travels filtered by the lastName and when the period is not null I want to retrieve all travels for this period filtered by the lastName.
I know that this can be done if I implement two methods in my repository and use an if
to my controller:
public ModelAndView search(
@RequestParam(required= false, defaultValue="") String lastName,
@RequestParam(required= false, defaultValue=null) Period period,
Pageable pageable) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("travels/list");
Page travels = null;
if(period==null) {
travels = travelRep.findByLastNameLike("%"+lastName+"%", pageable);
} else {
travels = travelRep.findByPeriodAndLastNameLike(period,"%"+lastName+"%", pageable);
mav.addObject("page", page);
mav.addObject("period", period);
mav.addObject("lastName", lastName);
return mav;
Is there a way to do this without using the if
? My Travel has not only the period but also other attributes that need to be filtered using dropdowns !! As you can understand, the complexity would be exponentially increased when I need to use more dropdowns because all the combinations'd need to be considered :(
Update 03/12/13: Continuing from M. Deinum's excelent answer, and after actually implementing it, I'd like to provide some comments for completeness of the question/asnwer:
Instead of implementing
you should implementJpaSpecificationExecutor<Travel>
to avoid type check warnings.Please take a look at kostja's excellent answer to this question Really dynamic JPA CriteriaBuilder since you will need to implement this if you want to have correct filters.
The best documentation I was able to find for the Criteria API was http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/j-typesafejpa/. This is a rather long read but I totally recommend it - after reading it most of my questions for Root and CriteriaBuilder were answered :)
Reusing the
object was not possible because it contained various other objects (who also contained other objects) which I needed to search for usingLike
- instead I used aTravelSearch
object that contained the fields I needed to search for.
Update 10/05/15: As per @priyank's request, here's how I implemented the TravelSearch object:
public class TravelSearch {
private String lastName;
private School school;
private Period period;
private String companyName;
private TravelTypeEnum travelType;
private TravelStatusEnum travelStatus;
// Setters + Getters
This object was used by TravelSpecification (most of the code is domain specific but I'm leaving it there as an example):
public class TravelSpecification implements Specification<Travel> {
private TravelSearch criteria;
public TravelSpecification(TravelSearch ts) {
criteria= ts;
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<Travel> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query,
CriteriaBuilder cb) {
Join<Travel, Candidacy> o = root.join(Travel_.candidacy);
Path<Candidacy> candidacy = root.get(Travel_.candidacy);
Path<Student> student = candidacy.get(Candidacy_.student);
Path<String> lastName = student.get(Student_.lastName);
Path<School> school = student.get(Student_.school);
Path<Period> period = candidacy.get(Candidacy_.period);
Path<TravelStatusEnum> travelStatus = root.get(Travel_.travelStatus);
Path<TravelTypeEnum> travelType = root.get(Travel_.travelType);
Path<Company> company = root.get(Travel_.company);
Path<String> companyName = company.get(Company_.name);
final List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<Predicate>();
if(criteria.getSchool()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(school, criteria.getSchool()));
if(criteria.getCompanyName()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.like(companyName, "%"+criteria.getCompanyName()+"%"));
if(criteria.getPeriod()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(period, criteria.getPeriod()));
if(criteria.getTravelStatus()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(travelStatus, criteria.getTravelStatus()));
if(criteria.getTravelType()!=null) {
predicates.add(cb.equal(travelType, criteria.getTravelType()));
if(criteria.getLastName()!=null ) {
predicates.add(cb.like(lastName, "%"+criteria.getLastName()+"%"));
return cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[predicates.size()]));
Finally, here's my search method:
public ModelAndView search(
@ModelAttribute TravelSearch travelSearch,
Pageable pageable) {
ModelAndView mav = new ModelAndView("travels/list");
TravelSpecification tspec = new TravelSpecification(travelSearch);
Page<Travel> travels = travelRep.findAll(tspec, pageable);
PageWrapper<Travel> page = new PageWrapper<Travel>(travels, "/search");
mav.addObject("page", page);
mav.addObject("schools", schoolRep.findAll() );
mav.addObject("periods", periodRep.findAll() );
mav.addObject("travelTypes", TravelTypeEnum.values());
mav.addObject("travelStatuses", TravelStatusEnum.values());
return mav;
Hope I helped!