How to generically extract field names and values

2019-04-12 17:25发布


I recently learned that I can do the following in Haskell:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

import Data.Data

data MyRecord = MyRecord
  { field1 :: Int
  , field2 :: String
  , field3 :: String
  } deriving (Show,Eq,Data,Typeable)

main = print $ constrFields (toConstr (MyRecord 5 "Hello" "World"))

This will give me the following:


How can I do the same thing for the values in a record, like this:


I'm asking because I'm using Aeson to take simple JSON like this:


And generate Haskell code like this:

field1 :: Int
field1 = 5

field2 :: String
field2 = "Hello"

field3 :: String
field3 = "World"

How can I generically unwrap all the values in a given record in the same way I can unwrap the field names of my records?


Your first question can be answered. If you're happy to convert all the values of a datatype to strings, then you can indeed produce such a list with a generic programming library such as e.g. generics-sop:

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts #-}

import qualified GHC.Generics as G
import Generics.SOP

data MyRecord = MyRecord
  { field1 :: Int
  , field2 :: String
  , field3 :: String
  } deriving (Show, Eq, G.Generic)

instance Generic MyRecord

stringValues ::
     (Generic a, All2 Show (Code a))
  => a -> [String]
stringValues a =
  hcollapse (hcmap (Proxy :: Proxy Show) (\ (I x) -> K (show x)) (from a))

test :: [String]
test = stringValues (MyRecord 5 "Hello" "world")

Now in GHCi:

GHCi> test

However, if your goal is to maintain the original types, then this is more difficult, as the result type will have to be a heterogeneous list (which in fact generics-sop uses internally, before it is converted back into a normal list using hcollapse).

It's not entirely clear to me what you really want to achieve. It's quite possible that there's a much more straight-forward solution.