
WCF REST tutorials for POX [closed]

2019-04-12 16:28发布


Can anyone tell me where to find good WCF REST tutorials? using (POX)

This one is ok but i want to use something a little simpler

I can't seem to find anything decent that uses webget/webinvoke attributes etc...

I don't want to use the REST Starter kit


This tutorial is REALLY simple. There is a screencast plus sourcecode. Great just to get you started with WCF REST.



I have been watching WCF tutorials on pluralsight and have found them to be very helpful.


The show endpoint.tv on Channel9 had a plethora of screencast by Aaron Skonnard on using WCF - including a whole bunch of screencasts on using the REST features of WCF. Highly recommended! Check them out, well worth your time!



If you - for whatever reason - really cannot use the REST starter kit, you might want to look at the ADO.NET Data Services, as mentioned here: Getting started with REST

That's basically REST based on WCF, exposed as ATOM feeds.

标签: c# xml wcf rest pox